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ArticleName Application of screw-toothed crushers at kimberlite deposits
DOI 10.17580/or.2016.05.01
ArticleAuthor Belov A. S.

Mekhanobr Engineering CJSC (Russia):

Belov A. S., Production Director,


The paper is dedicated to the choice of equipment for coarse crushing stage in design of concentrating plants processing kimberlite ores, as well as the problems arising in operation of this type of equipment. The foreign and domestic experience in designing ore preparation circuits for diamond recovery plants, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of crushing and grinding equipment applied in processing of waterbearing ores with a high clay content, are considered. The subject of the paper is elaborated on the examples of the diamond recovery plants at the diamond deposit named after V. Grib in the Arkhangelsk Region and at the kimberlite pipe Catoca in Angola. The geologic aspects of the deposits are briefly described, the rocks’ characteristics are considered, distinguished by great variety of material composition as well as mechanical-and-physical properties. The factors, influencing the choice of equipment for ore preparation at Basic and Detail Design stages, taking into consideration the actual operating conditions, are presented. It is shown, that in development of ore preparation circuits and selection of equipment it is necessary to take into consideration the ore characteristics, such as ore hardness, abrasiveness, presence of clayey constituents, which may significantly affect the crushers’ design. Only taking into consideration the total range of ore and enclosing rocks characteristics, it is possible to make a correct choice and avoid problems in subsequent operation. All these should be accomplished at the stage of investigations, development of process regulation and preparation of input data for equipment manufacturers.

keywords Оre preparation, design development, screw-toothed crushers, kimberlite ores, high-clay water-bearing ores

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Language of full-text russian
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