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ArticleName Kinetics of recovery of particles with different mineral composition in lead-zinc ore flotation
DOI 10.17580/or.2016.02.04
ArticleAuthor Shekhirev D. V., Smaylov B. B.

National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Russia):

Shekhirev D. V., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Professor,
Smaylov B. B., National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Russia), Master of engineering and technology, Engineer


The work studied flotation kinetics of separate forms of mineral presence (liberated particles of different size, intergrowths of certain type) in ore. The purpose of the work — elaboration of methods for obtaining initial data on flotability for subsequent modeling of flotation operations and flow sheets, as well as determination of flotation kinetic characteristics of minerals in different forms of presence under actual flotation conditions. Initial data for modeling is flotation rate of mono phases, defined as particles of certain mineral composition or component flotability fractions. Flotation kinetics regularities of particles of different mineral composition were established. Galenite flotation rate decrease is observed with particle size decrease, especially below 10 micron, both with respect of liberated galenite and intergrowths containing galenite. Flotoactive liberated sphalerite and pyrite, floated in spite of depression conditions, created for them, are composed of fractions of different flotability, which include fractions with high rate of flotation, that preclude from achieving needed lead concentrate grade through cleanings without application of basically different and stronger depressors. High-grade galenite intergrowths high rate of flotation is demonstrated. With that, increased presence of sphalerite and pyrite increases rate of flotation, and that of non-sulfide minerals — decreases it. With size decrease, both high-grade and low-grade intergrowths are floated at a slower rate. With respect of all studied sorts, distinguished by mineral composition and particle size, irregularity in flotation rate is observed, especially with respect of sphalerite and pyrite. Therefore, in modeling of flotation concentration processes of rebellious lead-zinc ores, additional division of ore sort into separate fractions with regard to flotation rate becomes necessary. This division is based on the method of kinetic experiment with subsequent quantitative mineralogical analysis of froth product portions.

The work was performed with the financial aid from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Project No. RFMEFI57514X0085.

keywords Flotation kinetics, distribution with respect to flotability, liberated mineral particles, intergrowths, particle size, quantitative mineralogical analysis

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