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ArticleName Strategy tasks of the russian metallurgical complex
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2016.01.05
ArticleAuthor Sizyakov V. M., Vlasov A. A., Bazhin V. Yu.

National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

V. M. Sizyakov, Professor of a Chair of Metallurgy
A. A. Vlasov, Assistant of a Chair of Metallurgy
V. Yu. Bazhin, Head of a Chair of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions, e-mail:


The article presents the macroeconomic expert analysis of development indicators of the Russian metallurgical complex. Key problems are emphasized along with potential growth factors. In recent years the Russian Federation actively rebuilds its economy and incorporates to the existing system of the world economic relationships. These processes are connected with prolonged economic crisis resistance. In the circumstances, innovative economic development should be the top priority of the state policy. However, the strategy and key lines of such a development are not determined. Effectiveness of innovations in the metallurgical complex determines successful modernization of the country and its integration into the global system of innovation. According to this, the current economic policy of Russia should be focused on innovative vector and consistent elimination of raw materials export orientation of the economy. Economic mechanism of environmental management and environmental protection in the Russian Federation are not yet sufficiently linked with the strategy of innovative development. As a result, the economic situation in the country does not comply with environmental safety requirements. Therefore, innovative development of metallurgical industry of Russia should be focused on resource-saving manufacturing, emissions and discharges reduction, conversion to advanced low- and non-waste technologies.
The article is prepared with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation.

keywords Metallurgical complex, development strategy, innovations, government regulation of development, accessible crediting, domestic demand for metallurgical products, research and educational support

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Language of full-text russian
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