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ArticleName Creation and industrial introduction of underground mining systems for diamond deposits of ALROSA
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.11.10
ArticleAuthor Chaadaev A. S., Zyryanov I. V., Kirillov D. S., Bondarenko I. F.

ALROSA, Yakutsk, Russia:

A. S. Chaadaev, Vice-President for Innovations, Candidate of Economical Sciences
D. S. Kirillov, Head of Department of Mining


Yakutniproalmaz Institute, Yakutsk, Russia:

I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director for Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:
I. F. Bondarenko, Academic Secretary, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


As a result of comprehensive substantiation, experimental approbation systems of underground mining of kimberlite pipes were created and introduced into industry at a large scale for the first time in the world practice for advancement of subsurface mining in extreme conditions of Yakutia on the new methodological basis of research and design. The extent of the permafrost—zerodegree isotherm is at the depth of 700–1100 m, is a characteristic feature of the deposits under consideration. Thickness of permafrost varies from 300 to 500 m. Mines of Internatsionalny (1999), Aykhal (2002) and Mir (2009) mine kimberlites by underground method. In 2014 an underground mine at Udachnaya pipe was commissioned. On the whole, explored and estimated reserves of the four listed deposits, underground mining of which is already carried out, are valued at — US$ 72 billion. Construction of four underground mines practically at the same time, under conditions of sternly constrained material, and financial, and labor resources required scientific substantiation as well as development and introduction of a number of new technologies and methods of underground mines construction intended to reduce volumes, cost and implementation periods of these projects.

keywords Permafrost zone, extreme conditions, underground mining systems, diamond deposits, kimberlite pipes, continuous mining, parameters

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Language of full-text russian
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