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Название Electropulse technology of briquetting shavings and other scrap of ferrous metals
Автор S. D. Samujlov
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A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

S. D. Samujlov


One of actual problems is rational use of a lightweight metal scrap that is important for their recycling. Fuller and rational use of a lightweight metal waste probably by means of an electrophysical electropulse method of briquetting in which as the technological tool the electric current of the big density is used. The method consists in pressing crushed metal scrap at rather small pressure (to 0,5 t/sm2 for highstrength alloys and porosity of briquettes on 50 %) and processing with use of short impulse of an electric current. Such processing allows to connect the pressed material in a firm briquette.

Библиографический список

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10. Abramova K. B., Samujlov S. D., Filin Yu. A. “Technology of titanium shavings briquetting” The 9th World Conference of Titanium, 7–11 June 1999, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Abstract booklet, S8–49. “Titanium’99: Science and Technology” Proceeding of the Ninth World Conference on Titanium. Central Research Institute of Structural Materials (CRISM) “PROMETEY”. SaintPetersburg, Russia, 11 June 1999. Edited by I.V. Gorynin, academician, professor, S. S. Ushkov professor, CRISM “PROMETEY”, Russia, 2000, V. 3, p 1311–1320.
11. K. B. Abramova, Yu. N. Bocharov, S. D. Samujlov, A. I. Scherbakov // TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 46, No 4, 2001. p. 484–489.
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13. Bocharov Yu. N., Krestjaninov D. A., Samujlov S. D., Filin Yu. A. //Naucnotexniceskie vedomosti SPbGPU № 6, 2008, с. 125–130.

Полный текст статьи Electropulse technology of briquetting shavings and other scrap of ferrous metals