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ArticleName Specificity of the product's life-cycle management models
ArticleAuthor Kolychev V. D., Rumyantsev V. P.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia:

V. D. Kolychev, Deputy Director of Innovation Management Institute, Senior Lecturer of a System Analysis Chair No. 28, e-mail:

V. P. Rumyantsev, Assistant Professor of a System Analysis Chair No. 28, e-mail:


This paper demonstrates some peculiarities of managerial models of product's life-cycle. The authors proposed some important features of mathematical models of the product's life-cycle which make an influence on decision making process and analysis of production stages. Special attention is paid to enlargement and aggregation procedure of product's life-cycle. There is given a number of examples concerning with metal products used in atomic energy sphere. Interpretation of full life-cycle models in case of the project in the sphere of aluminum-matrix nano-composites construction is proposed. The mathematical model of full product’s life-cycle as special chain-like type graph is used for demonstration of enlargement and aggregation effects. There are given the examples of aggregation by time and cost parameters in case of innovation high-tech project. The differences between time and cost aggregations are separately shown. This paper shows the importance of analysis and planning of production-based technologies using life-cycle model and project’s life-cycle processes. There is emphasized the project-management approach to the enterprise innovation activities based on R&D researches in composite production sphere using metal-oriented technologies. The considered approaches can be applied in portfolio analysis and calculations of economical project efficiency for the simplification of assessment procedures.

keywords Innovation project, product's life-cycle, production workflow process, aluminum-matrix composite, nano-powders B4C, aggregation, enlargement, chain-like graph

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