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ArticleName Evaluating of closed mines mining lease territories environmental safety by gas factor
ArticleAuthor Kachurin N. M., Efimov V. I., Vorobev S. A., Shkuratckiy D. N.

Tula State University:

Kachurin N. M., Doctor of Technical Science, Full Professor, head of subdepartment “Geotechnologies and Underground Constructions”, e-mail:


National Research Technological University “MISIS”:

Efimov V. I., Doctor of Technical Science, Full Professor


Belgorod State University:

Vorobev S. A., Candidate of Technical Science, e-mail:


Company “Halurgy”:

Shkuratckiy D. N., General Director


Results over a long period of time gas monitoring territories of East Donetsk Basin closed mines mining leases were given and it is shown that aerogasdynamics connection open areas with the Earth surface is very topical environmental problem of coal industry. Mathematical models of methane and blackdamp filtration from undermine mining massif to the Earth surface were substantiated. Relations for engineering calculates of filtration flows were achieved.

keywords gas monitoring, methane, blackdamp, open area, environmental safety, closed mines, mathematical model

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