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ArticleName Small size mineral materials optical sorting process research facility
ArticleAuthor Alekhin A. A., Gorbunova Ye. V., Korotayev V. V., Pavlenko N. A.

Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) (Russia):

Alekhin A. A., Assistant, Postgraduate,

Gorbunova Ye. V., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher,

Korotayev V. V., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair,

Pavlenko N. A., Assistant, Postgraduate,


The article describes a research facility for solid minerals ores optical sorting process studies with material size of 5–25 mm and below, material feed rate being 1–2 m/s. The research facility is distinguished by modular design and flexible data analysis and control algorithm. Modular construction permits to adapt measuring circuit to a studied ore type through changes in mutual arrangement of main units: material transport, analysis zone illumination and mineral pieces registration. The control and analysis algorithm, implemented in the LabVIEW medium, provides for detailed analysis of moving mineral pieces images, as well as for development of approaches with respect to their separation. The experimental studies permitted to reveal possible negative (from the viewpoint of subsequent processing) aspects in obtained mineral pieces images: appearance of shadow zones and image linear distortion caused by incorrect camera and transport belt synchronization. It was established, that special light sources are required to provide for uniform illumination in analysis zone. As a specific task in minerals separation, solved by means of the research facility in question, a mix of quartz and fluorite particles of 1–2 mm size was subjected to optical sorting, and the results are presented. Selective threshold criteria were determined for three color models: RGB, Yuv and HLS.

The work was performed with the financial aid from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (government order, project No. 8.599.2014/K).

keywords Processing, solid minerals, mineral material, optical sorting method, selective criterion, color, analysis algorithm

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Language of full-text russian
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