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ArticleName Physical-mechanical characteristics of the Kola Peninsula low-sulfide ores
ArticleAuthor Marchevskaya V. V., Mukhina Т. N.

Mining Institute of Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia):

Marchevskaya V. V., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher,

Mukhina Т. N., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Head of Section,


The results of the Kola Peninsula low-sulfide platinum-group metals ores two deposits rock materials physical-mechanical characteristics studies are presented, the rock materials in question representing new mineral resources in the region. These deposits rock materials strength and abrasivity properties, as well as crushability and grindability, were studied. According to Protodyakonov hardness number, these deposits rock materials are classified as hard rocks and very hard rocks. It is shown, that the Kola Peninsula low-sulfide platinum-group metals ores are difficult-to-crush and very difficult-to-grind. The ores grindability with respect to limestone has been determined. It is shown, that the net Work Index values in crushing and grinding, calculated on the basis of relation between energy consumed in crushing and grinding, and the results of rock size reduction in bulk disintegration processes, depend not only on rock strength properties, determined on single specimens, but, to a large extent, also on rock mineral composition.

keywords Low-sulfide platinum-group metals ores, tensile strength in uniaxial compression, hardness, abrasivity, density, crushability, grindability, net crushing Work Index, net grinding Work Index

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Language of full-text russian
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