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ArticleName The main development directions of sintering production and science in the works of "Uralmekhanobr" Institute
ArticleAuthor Nesterov G. S., Nesterov A. G.

Author 1:

Name & Surname: Nesterov G. S.
Company: "Uralmekhanobr" JSC (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Consultant
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Author 2:

Name & Surname: Nesterov A. G.
Company: Ural State Federal University named after B. N. Eltsin, the First Russian President (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Head of the Chair
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Historical Sciences
Contacts: e-mail:


The processes of USSR economics modernization on the threshold of 1920ies and 1930ies has required creation of powerful machine-building production facilities oriented first of all on manufacture of metal-intensive products. Establishment of the metallurgical base (state-of-the-art for those times) that can provide metal supply to the largest national machine-building enterprises, has been considered as mandatory condition for economical development in this direction. Therefore, creation of the large metallurgical works has become one of the most important modernization tasks, while necessity of provision of these works with raw materials has led to the rapid development of mining equipment and technology. Ironmaking has required iron ore with high Fe content. However, in the beginning of XX century most such deposits have been mined out and iron-depleted ores have been used; after their preparation, concentrate with 55-65% iron content could be produced. Agglomeration of iron ore concentrate became thereby the main technological stage in ore preparation, finalized in technological development of sintering, pelletizing and briquetting. Scientific teams - such as Uralmekhanobr, Ural branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Ural Polytechnic Institute etc. - have operated in close contact with the producers in the field om improvement of technology and equipment of sintering production. Theoretical grounds of sintering process along whole production route have been developed in order to provide stability of technological processes; the systems of technological control and automatic management have been designed for construction or modernization of sintering plants. It is noted that "Uralmekhanobr" Institute has become at that period the coordinate center in organization of sinter production in the Soviet Union, including development of information control system of product quality. This fact has allowed to realize the system of economical quality evaluation and redistribution of cost of finished product. No important technical solutions in the field of sintering processes could be taken in the USSR without participation of "Uralmekhanobr" Institute, and its role in this ares could be hardly overestimated.

keywords Sintering, Ural region, "Uralmekhanobr" Institute, sintering machine, product quality

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Language of full-text russian
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