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115th anniversary of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
Название The main directions of improvement of ecological parameters in iron and steel production
Автор I. V. Butorina
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St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia):

Butorina I. V., Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: butorina_irina@mail.ru


It is shown that the environmental program of metallurgical enterprise should be based on life cycle analysis. The priority should be given to the primary activities reducing energy consumption and formation of wastes. Secondary measures aimed at neutralization and disposal of wastes should be implemented only after implementation of primary measures. Signifi cant improvement in the environmental performance of steel production enterprises with full-cycle can be achieved by increasing the proportion of recycled scrap and replacement of the agglomeration of the dispersed charge with sloshing. Selection of quality charge with optimal chemical and dispersion composition signifi cantly improves the environmental performance of the sintering and blast furnace production. Significant effect can be achieved by the coverage of sinter belt and casting yards of blast furnaces, replacing of stationary mixers with mobile mixers, as well as conducting desulphurization and desiliconization of all smelted iron. Converting furnaces have good environmental performance of steel production due to their low energy consumption and ability to collect and use converter gas as a fuel gas. Only DC electric arc furnaces can compete with them. Transition to continuous casting facilities and the use of modern methodical ovens with pull carts is the effective way of reduction of energy consumption in the rolling mill. Replacing the wet gas purification apparatus for dry purification, replacing of cooling water for evaporation and creation of water circulation systems help to reduce water consumption and the amount of generated waste. Transition to gas cleaning scheme using high head scrubber and electrical or cloth filter and recycling of metal containing waste with briquetting are the best secondary environmental measures for metallurgical industry.

Ключевые слова Iron and steel industry, environment protection, wastes, emissions, sewage, agglomeration, open-hearth smelting, basic oxygen smelting, rolling
Библиографический список

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