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ArticleName Features of forming microclimatic conditions in mining excavations of deep mines
ArticleAuthor Karelin V. N, Kravchenko A. V., Levin L. Yu , Kazakov B. P., Zaitsev A. V.

Zapolyarnyi (Transpolar) Affiliate of “Norilsk Nickel” Mining and Metallurgical Works” OJSC, Norilsk, Russia:

Karelin V. N., Deputy Director on Mineral and Raw Material Complex, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Kravchenko A. V., Deputy Head of Mining & Geological Department, e-mail:


Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

Levin L. Yu., Deputy Director on Science Researches, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Kazakov B. P., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Zaitsev A. V., Junior Scientific Fellow


The article focuses on creation of thermal conditions in underground excavations under the current conditions of deeper level mining and the related difficulties of mine microclimate control. The authors analyze thermophysical processes running in mine air and rock mass, as well their influence on air flow parameters in underground excavations.

Work is performed with financial support of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project № 12-5-1-014-ARKTIKA “Development of complex resource-saving system of normalization of microclimatic parameters atmosyer of mines and mines in conditions cryolithozone» and the project № 13-5-NP-354 «Development of model of the nestatsiony interfaced heat exchange between miner air and the pedigree massif in a network of excavations of deep mines».

keywords Deep-level mines, underground excavations, thermal conditions, heat transfer, heat liberation sources, microclimate, fill mass, modeling-and-calculus software

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Full content Features of forming microclimatic conditions in mining excavations of deep mines