Journals →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2013 →  #7 →  Back

ArticleName Comprehensive resource use in the nonferrous metals industry in Kazakhstan
ArticleAuthor Rakishev B. R.

Kazakhstan National Technical University after K. I. Satpaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan):

Rakishev B. R., Chief of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


The ore mining and smelting industry sets a priority mission to use more comprehensively and intelligibly mined materials, based on advanced processing techniques and technologies that fit with natural properties and processability of mineral products. The article offers mathematical models of mineral material conditions at different processing stages and selection of extraction method for the mineral constituents. The developed assessment procedure for comprehensive use of metallic mineral material coordinates the end products of processing and the applied processing technologies and represents a reliable tool to control enhancement of mineral material utilization comprehensiveness. This will 40–50 times reduce the demand for ore output at the same or even higher budget revenue owing to commercialization of metal ore processing coproducts, with their market prices thousand times higher than cost of base metals. The article illustrates enhanced metal extraction in terms of Kazzinc Company that recovers 20 commercial components from the mined metal ore. This is achieved through production of bulk concentrate and then its repeated sequential processing, as well as owing to launching of auxiliary production operations to extract associated high-priced elements from the concentrate.

keywords Ore, commercial components, processing stages, comprehensive use, comprehensive use indicators

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Language of full-text russian
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