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ArticleName Creation and exploitation experience of the flotation equipment of Scientific and Production Association "RIVS" JSC
ArticleAuthor Bondarenko O. P.

Scientific and Production Association "RIVS" JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Bondarenko O. P., Manager, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


Scientific and Production Association "RIVS" ("DMIS" — Development, Manufacturing, Introduction, Service) was founded for the creation of Russian competitive mining and concentration equipment and its promotion on the global market. On the first stage of activity, the company specialists created the brand new metalsaving and energy-saving aeration DRF complex (Development and Research of Flotators complex). The standard series of the new-generation rubberized aeration complexes were developed, along with its production engineering. These aeration complexes are mechanically compatible with all block types of the mechanical-air flotation machines from Russian and foreign manufacturers. The high operation efficiency of aeration DRF complexes in industrial conditions made it possible to turn the company to the next stage of its activity — creation of Russian flotation machines and stirring devices on the basis of aeration DRF complexes. The company has already developed and mastered the production of wide assortment of high-efficient flotation machines with modern self-developed automation equipment, succesfully competeng with the flotation machines from leading foreign companies. The flotation machines and stirring devices, manufactured by this company, are intended for every flotation operation, with the concentration of various mineral raw materials. As of July 01, 2012, more than 2 thousand chambers of various flotation DRF machines are operating in Russia and abroad. The capacity of these chambers is from 0.1 to 170 m3.

keywords Flotation machines, aerator, attrition complexes, conditioners, reconstruction of concentrating plants
Language of full-text english
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