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ArticleName Research of salt rocks gas content of III potash layer in the krasnoslobodsky mine field
ArticleAuthor Andreyko S. S., Ivanov O. V., Nesterov E. A., Beresnev S. P.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Perm, Russia):

Andreyko S. S., Head of Laboratory, Head of Chair, e-mail:

Ivanov O. V., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Nesterov E. A., Junior Researcher


“Belaruskali” ОJSC (Soligorsk, Republic of Belarus):

Golovatiy I. I., Chief Mining Engineer

Beresnev S. P., Head of Mining Department


In article results of mine experimental researches rock gas content of III potash layer on put into operation Krasnoslobodsky mine field of OJSC “Belaruskali” 2nd mine group are resulted. The quantitative estimation rocks gas content of III potash layer on free gas, gas in micro-inclusions and gas composition is given. The regularities of salt rock gas content change on the axial section of the Third potash layer. In the process of mining experimental research near-contact accumulation of gas in both a free form, confined to clay partings and seams is founded. Summing-up of the potential for occurrence of gas-dynamic events from the roof and soil Third potash layers rocks is realized. This is done on the minimum force that can disrupt rocks balance. To prevent the gas-dynamic events from the roof short and long gas drainage hole preventive drilling in the Krasnoslobodsky mine 2nd mine group is developed and implanted. Introduction into mining new preventive drilling let to increase preparatory drifting rate and to provide near-contact accumulation drainage of gas in both a free form in roof rocks.

keywords Potash layer, sylvinite seam, clay-carnallite band, experimental research, rock gas content, gas in both a free form, free gas composition, near-contact accumulation, gas dynamic events, gas drainage hole

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Language of full-text russian
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