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ArticleName Visherit, the new type of diamond deposit
ArticleAuthor Chaikovskiy I. I., Korotchenkova O. V., Teterin I. P., Morozov G. G., Kirillov V. A.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Perm, Russia):

Chaikovskiy I. I., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail:

Korotchenkova O. V., Junior Research Fellow


“Permgeologodobycha” CJSC (Perm, Russia):

Teterin I. P., Leading Geologist

Morozov G. G., Chief Geologist


“Komp” LLC (Perm, Russia):

Kirillov V. A., Deputy Chief geologist


The result of exploration made by "Permgeologodobycha" CJSC in Perm territory was discovering of Efimovskoe diamond deposit in 2007. The study of the deposit has shown his identity to the primary object, which is composed of visherits – fluidolite rocks. Clusters of cross and subconcordant complex bodies, reflecting a multi-phase diamond material emplacement, have been detected. Efimovskoe deposit was compared with known geologic-industrial types of diamond deposits. The comparison has shown that processes of contamination and assimilation of host rock, typical for rocks of diatreme association characterized by high water and gas saturation of initial melts in Ural diamond-bearing rocks, as well as in kimberlites and lamproites, are actively manifested. Visherits, in contrast to kimberlites and lamproites, are characterized by significant degree of pyroclastic material changes – up to mixed-layer minerals and hydromica, as well as significant dominance of curve-faced diamond crystals. The Ural deposit differs from placers by complex bodies, structure features of rocks, presence of exocontact changes and vein mineralization, recrystallization of xenogenic material and absence of mechanical wear of the diamond crystals. The established specificity of the Efimovskoe deposit reflects the necessity for distinguishing of vishersky, the new genetic type of diamond deposit.

keywords Visherit Ural, diamond bearing, structure control, geological-industrial types

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Language of full-text russian
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