Journals →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2013 →  #5 →  Back

ArticleName Innovative development as a basis of increase of competitiveness of heavy mechanical engineering in the Kemerovo region
ArticleAuthor Grebennikov A. V., Starikova L. N.

Institute of Coal SB RAS (Kemerovo, Russia):

Grebennikov A. V., Senior Engineer

Kemerovo State University (Kemerovo, Russia):

Starikova L. N., Professor, Doctor of Social Science, e-mail:


The article deals with the state and problems of heavy industry in three segments of the Kuzbass regional economy: industrial (mining and metallurgical), transportation (railroad transport and auto passenger transport), municipal building (housing sector – construction, maintenance and repair of roads, as well as construction and maintenance of housing stock). Social-economic importance to the economy of the Kemerovo region of such sub-sector as heavy machinery is proved. The sufficiency of the internal market for the engineering industry is noted. The classification of sub-sectors of heavy machinery which is different from NACE is given. This NACE, HS and OCP classifications that reference to the heavy engineering can’t be compared with each other as they describe divergent sectors of mechanical engineering. The authors offer the following main groups of heavy machinery: mining machinery, metallurgical equipment, handling and transport equipment, electrical equipment. The results of the regional engineering companies activity’s in line with the proposed classification are shown. The impact of heavy machinery industry on the basic regional industries such as coal mining and railroad transport is researched. The ways of solving the problems and improvement the activities of regional heavy engineering companies are defined.

keywords Kemerovo region, Kuzbass, heavy machinery, basic regional industries, competitiveness, innovative development, investments, proto-cluster of small-size enterprises, stateprivvate partnership, legal initiatives, measures
Language of full-text russian
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