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Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise is a subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC
ArticleName Improvement of technology and increasing of production output
ArticleAuthor Loginov N. M., Imekeshova M. A.

Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan):

Loginov N. M., Deputy Director on Quality
Imekeshova M. A., Deputy Chief Dresser, e-mail:


The basic stages of technological chain of the factory of concentration and pelletization of chromium ores are the small grades concentration department (2005) and small and thin grades concentration department (2009). Technological cycle of chromium ores processing with the coarseness of -10 mm is finished at the pellet production areas.
Improvement of technological scheme was carried out in 2008, along with introduction of the following new equipment:
-screen for the classification of initial ore;
-centrifugal concentrator «Falkon» for the concentration of -0.071 mm of the grain size fraction;
-disc filter DOO-16 (ДОО-16) for the dehydration of the concentrate with coarseness of -0.5 mm.
The foregoing improvement and introduction were carried out for the purpose of increasing of output of concentrate with -5 mm coarseness and increasing of extraction of metal into the concentrates of the small grades concentration department. As a result, extraction of metal increased to 83.9% and pellets production reached 423.8 th. t per year.
For the purpose of stable supplement of the pellet production areas with initial raw materials and manufacturing of the concentrate of -5 mm grade, there is foreseen the construction of additional (parallel) technological line of the small grades concentration department. As a result of realization of this project (2013), there is planned to increase the productivity of the small grades concentration department on the initial ore of -10 mm of the grain size fraction to 1 mln. t. per year. Launching of additional line of the small grades concentration department will make it possible to do the following operations:
-provision of the pellet production areas with high quality initial raw materials;
-decreasing or complete exclusion of the consumption of rich ore of -10 mm of the grain size fraction;
-decreasing of losses of raw materials during the pellets manufacturing.

keywords Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise, chromium ores, factory of concentration and pelletization, manufacturing of chromium pellets, equipment
Language of full-text russian
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