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Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise is a subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC
ArticleName Mastering of deep horizons of chromite deposits in the development strategy of Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise: problems and ways of solving
ArticleAuthor Til V . V., Bekeev M. M., Sashurin A. D.

«Transnational Company «KazKhrom» JSC (Aktobe, Kazakhstan):

Til V. V., President of a Corporation


Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan):

Bekeev M. M., Executive Officer

Institute of Mining of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia):

Sashurin A. D., Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


In many respects, the future of global ferrochromium market depends on the state of extraction of chromium ores in the Republic of South Africa and Kazakhstan.
These two countries have near 85% of global reserves. The whole amount of chromium ore of Kazakhstan is situated in Aktobe region, in South-Kempirsay group of deposits, which have been developed since 1938 by Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom». For the period of 40 years, the enterprise has been used only the open-cast method of extraction of ore from not deep deposits. However, the basic reserves of ores were situated on deep horizons. As a result, the «Molodezhnaya» mine with 450-550 m of underground mining depth was set in exploitation in 1981. The «10-th anniversary of Kazakhstan independence» mine was set in exploitation in 2001. The second stage of this mine foresees the deepening of underground mining to 1000-1200 m.
Deepening of mining at the deposits, developed by Donskoy Ore Dressing and Processing Enterprise, is followed by the problems of guaranteeing of stability of permanent and preparatory mine openings and controlling of rock pressure in the extraction area. These problems are caused by the complex structure of rock massif with developed tectonics and high level of tectonic stress anisotropy. On the basis of the carried out researches and approaches, developed, according to their research results, there were defined the basic directions of solving of the foregoing problems, which will make it possible to provide the following operations:
- successful mastering of reserves on the depths to 1000-1200 m;
- long-term development of Donskoy Ore Dressing and Processing Enterprise;
- keeping the leading positions of the enterprise and Kazakhstan on the global ferrochromium market.

keywords Kempirsay deposit of chromites, open and underground development, geomechanical conditions, primary and secondary stresses, deformations, shafts and junctions, purification works, geodynamic activity, monitoring

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Language of full-text russian
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