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ArticleName Return water improvement at Erdenet Mining Complex
ArticleAuthor Pestryak I. V., Erdenetuyaa O., Morozov V. V.

Moscow State Mining University (Russia):

Pestryak I. V., Professor, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, 


Erdenet Mining Corporation (Mongolia):
Erdenetuyaa O., Head of Labor and Environment Protection Department,


Moscow State Mining University (Russia):
Morozov V. V., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering,


In return water systems at ore-dressing facilities it is essential to increase reclaim water purification and conditioning efficiency. With that, related waste water of complex chemical composition should also be used. A thermodynamic analysis was performed with respect to chemical processes of copper ions interaction with other components of waste and return water liquid phase with a view to determine conditions required for copper ions and other components efficient recovery from waste water by means of precipitation. It is shown, that a condition for maintaining copper ions concentration in filtrates at an acceptable treatment level is provision of filtrate pH within the range from 5.6 to 7.3. A technology for joint conditioning of seepage water together with municipal purification works water and Power Plant ash-disposal area effluent water was recommended for Erdenet operation. Testing was performed confirming efficiency of the chosen regime and return water system, providing for nonchemical return water treatment. The tests results showed a possibility for copper and molybdenum recovery increase into marketable concentrate by 0.35 and 0.5 %, respectively. In addition to that, copper concentrate grade was increased by 0.4 % and that of molybdenum concentrate — by 0.5 %.

keywords Сopper-molybdenum ores, industrial effluents, reclaim water, thermodynamic analysis, conditioning, return water system, copper ions, flotation

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Language of full-text russian
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