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ArticleName Strategy of radiation safety of the facilities of peaceful nuclear explosions in Russian fuel and energy complex
ArticleAuthor Kasatkin V. V., Kasatkin A. V., Samorodova T. S.

«VNIPIpromtekhnologii» JSC (Moscow, Russia):

Kasatkin V. V., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:
Kasatkin A. V., Deputy Head of Laboratory
Samorodova T. S., Second Category Engineer


This article gives a brief information about the facilities of peaceful nuclear explosions, which had been performed in Russia since 1969 till 1988. These explosions are connected with the fuel and energy complex.

According to the experimental data and forecast, the rocks and water of the central areas of nuclear explosions at every facility of peaceful nuclear explosions should be classified as radioactive wastes. Nowadays and in the nearest 70-100 years, radioactivity of these wastes should be determined by the fragmentation radionuclides: strontium-90, cesium-137 and tritium. These radionuclides are formed from the matrix inert radioactive gases.

The available mechanisms of distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides beyond the central area of explosion are given, including the mechanisms of placing of these radionuclides on the earth's surface and in the area of active water exchange. Stratal water and hydrocarbons are the main carriers of the fragmentation anthropogenic radionuclides and tritium.

The basic engineering-technical and organizational measures are given for the purpose of guaranteeing of radiation safety to the population (including the personnel of field) and protection of natural environment from the pollution by anthropogenic radionuclides.

It is necessary to determine the owners of the facilities of peaceful nuclear explosions. In this case, these explosions should be considered as the placement of Specific radioactive wastes and financing sources of the required radiation safety activities.

keywords Facilities of peaceful nuclear explosions, radiation environment, radionuclides, hydrocarbon deposits, special radioactive wastes, strategy of radiation safety, isolation, conservation, burial, central area of explosion, monitoring

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Language of full-text russian
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