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Non-ferrous Metals →
2004 →
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Non-ferrous Metals →
2004 →
Non-ferrous Metals

Название | The Ural State Technical University – the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UGTU–UPI) is the Higher School for Nonferrous Metallurgy of the Ural |
Автор | S. S. Naboichenko |
Название | Reducing Electrosmelting of Cobalt Oxide in Direct-Current Furnace |
Авторы | V. A. Kniss, P. V. Kazakov, V. P. Zhukov, C. S. Naboichenko |
Название | Technological Opportunities of Smelting Processes in OpenFlame Furnaces Equipped with Vertical Jets |
Авторы | В. P. Zhukov, N. G. Ageev, A. P. Doroshkevich, E. V. Toropov |
Название | ExperimentalIndustrial Tests of Zinc-Sulfate Solution Electrocementing Treatment Technology |
Авторы | S. V. Karelov, S. V. Mamyachenkov, O. S. Anisimova, V. V. Khilai , A. S. Kirpikov |
Название | About the Opportunity to Calculate the Structural Characteristics of Copper Powder When Electrolysis Conditions Change |
Авторы | I. B. Murashova, O. V. Tribunsky, A. B. Lebed’, A. P. Shpoltakov, A. M. Saveliev |
Название | Equilibrium and Kinetics of Copper Sorption from Sludges on Complexing Ampholyte |
Авторы | V. N. Rychkov, M. L. Cherny, E. V. Kirillov, S. V. Kirillov |
Название | Optimization of Beryllium Electrolytic Refining Process |
Автор | O. I. Rebrin |
Название | Methods of Making and Implementation of Novel Composite Materials in Non-Ferrous Metals Production |
Авторы | A. R. Beketov, D. A. Beketov, Yu. P. Zaikov, Yu. D. Afonin, A. Yu. Chuikin |
Название | Physical-Mechanical Properties of LeadBased Alloys |
Авторы | Yu. P. Zaikov, V. F. Lazarev, A. D. Dayanov, A. I. Goncharov,. A. V. Shak |
Название | The Prospects of Application of Chromium and Chromium-Zirconium Bronzes |
Авторы | R. K. Mysik, Yu. N. Loginov, S. V. Brusnitsyn, I. E. Furman |
Название | Structure Formation and Properties of High-Tensile Titanium Alloy during Isothermal Treatment and Subsequent Age-Hardening |
Авторы | A. A. Popov, A. G. Illarionov, N. I. Moder, N. V. Savateeva, S. M. Illarionova, S. A. Shipulina |
Название | Recovery of Waste from Aluminum-Lithium Production in Aluminum Electrolyzers |
Авторы | V. I. Salnikov, V. A. Lebedev |