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ArticleName Mechanical properties of briquettes of chromic concentrates
DOI 10.17580/or.2019.06.06
ArticleAuthor Babailov N. A., Loginov Yu. N., Polianskiy L. I.

Institute of Engineering Science, Ural Branch of RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russia):

Babailov N. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher,


Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia):
Loginov Yu. N., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


«Spidermash» LLC (Ekaterinburg, Russia):
Polianskiy L. I., Director,


This work covers the manufacture of metallurgical briquettes used in the production of ferrochrome. The physical and mechanical properties of such briquettes, made of chrome concentrates using liquid glass as a binder, were studied in laboratory conditions. The following technical indicators were established: density, dropping strength, compressive strength, and residual moisture of the briquettes. These properties were identified for briquettes immediately after pressing and for briquettes subjected to drying and aging. A nonlinear regression analysis was performed to describe the properties of the briquettes for the following factors: binder content (liquid glass, in the range of 0 to 10 %); metallurgical dust content (in the range of 0 to 40 %) and moisture content in the mixture prepared for briquetting (2 to 8 %). The pressing (briquetting) pressure in the range of up to 200 MPa is an important factor. In the manufacture of such briquettes, the areas of pressing pressures of 25 to 50 and 100 to 200 MPa were investigated. It has been established that their properties are well described by power functions. The least squares method was used to determine the coefficients of the nonlinear regression equation. The equations of dependence were obtained for the physical and mechanical properties of wet, dry, and aged briquettes. The quality assessment for the regression model designed was performed using the standard procedures: the determination coefficient and the mean relative error were found. The resulting models may be used to assess the strength of briquettes in transportation, as well as briquetting process parameters.
The work was carried out under the theme No. 0391-2016-0001 (AAAA-A18-118020790140-5) and with partial financial support of the resolution No. 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03. 21. 0006.

keywords Briquette, chrome concentrate, liquid glass, density, impact strength, compressive strength, moisture content, multiple nonlinear regression

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