Название | Energy-metallurgical complex based on the spray-emulsion reactor |
Автор | V.P. Tsymbal, S.P. Mochalov, A.A. Olennikov, A.M. Ognev. |
Информация об авторе | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): V.P. Tsymbal, tsymbal@sibsiu.ru S.P. Mochalov A.A. Olennikov
Machine-Building Plant “Sibelektroterm” (Novosibirsk, Russia): A.M. Ognev |
Реферат | This article describes how to use the energy from the secondary metallurgical unit of spray-type emulsion. The physical heat is used in the recovery boiler and steam is drawn into the steam turbine. Then it is fed, through the condenser and heat exchanger into the central heating unit for the use of thermal energy for various purposes. The rest of heat after gas treatment is applied to the gas turbine unit, where the generator produces electricity that is used in oxygen units. Oxygen compressor located on the shaft of the gas turbine is fed into the SER-type metallurgical reactor. Use of oxygen in the steel unit allows you to get rid of the nitrogen in the flue gases and gas-cleaning system to simplify and improve the environment by eliminating nitrogen oxides. The most effective option is recovery of chemical energy in the gas reformer to produce energy or synthesis gas. In this case, you can get completely smoke-free process, because exhaust gases (smoke) by passing these gases through the bars with the red-hot coke and steam injection gas is converted in high or even in synthesis gas that is suitable for clean motor fuel, for example, dimethyl ether. |
Ключевые слова | Energy-metallurgical complex, spray-emulsion reactor, desulphurization, catalytic synthesis, heat utilization |
Библиографический список | 1. Tsymbal V. P., Mochalov S. P., Kalashnikov S. N. Modeli i mekhanizmy samiirganizatsii v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh (Models and mechanisms of self-organization in engineering and technology). In three parts: Part 3. Primery realizatsii idey i printsipov sunergetiki (Examples of implementation of the ideas and principles of synergetics). Textbook. Edited by Tsymbal V. P. SibGIU. Novokuznetsk, 2005. 264 p. 2. Tsymbal V. P., Mochalov S. P. V razdelennykh potokakh. O novom sposobe i agregate pererabotki prirodno-legirovannykh rud i polucheniya metallov (In separated flows. On the new method and aggregate processing of natural ores and obtaining alloyed metals). The Metally Evrazii – Metals of Eurasia. 2006. № 6. P. 78-80. 3. Tsymbal V. P., Mochalov S. P. Razvitie novykh metallurgicheskikh protsessov i prontsipy upravleniya na osnove sinergeticheskogo podkhoda (Development of new metallurgical processes and management principles on the basis of synergetic approach). Izvestiya vuzov. Chernaya metallurgiya – Proceedings of the universities. Ferrous metallurgy. 2012. № 2. P. 64-69. |
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