Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2012 →  №6 →  Назад

Название Reconstruction of the main ventilator installation of BKPRU-4 mine in OJSC “Uralkali” in the existing mine
Автор Burundukov A. V., Goshev A. A., Tverdokhlebova I. V.
Информация об авторе

Gipronickel” Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Burundukov A. V., Deputy Chief on a Department of Projecting Works, e-mail: kitlyayn@vistgroup.ru

Goshev A. A., Head of Mining Division

Tverdokhlebova I. V., Chief Specialist of Engineering Department


The planning industrial inspissation of BKPRU-4 mine is connected with a reconstruction of main ventilator installation of the mine shaft No.4. The reconstruction provides the replacement of the main airing centrifugal ventilators to the main airing axial ventilators with the increasing of a clean air delivery to the underground mine workings. This increasing is related to 850 m3/c. During the elaboration of a project documentation for the reconstruction of main ventilator installation, the basic requirement has been the obligatory guaranteeng of the continuous work of mine. In 2011, “Gipronickel” Institute worked out the project documentation for reconstruction of the main ventilation system along with reconstruction of the headframe of the mine shaft No.4 of BKPRU-4 mine. The project documentation was worked out on the basis of made decisions on the modernization of the mine`s ventilation system.

The progect provides all necessary decisions and measures, which supply the fire protection, industrial safety and labor protection in accordance with the operating requirements of regulatory documentation.

Ключевые слова “Gipronickel” Institute, “Uralkali”, BKPRU-4 mine, project documentation, reconstruction, ventilator installation
Language of full-text русский
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