Журналы →
Tsvetnye Metally →
2010 →
№5 →
Название | Development of roasting process of fine dispersing zinc concentrates of the ural deposits on JSC “Chelyabinsk zinc plant” |
Автор | Panshin A. M., Zatonskiy A. V., Kozlov P. A., Kondratyuk A. A., Terentiev V. M. |
Реферат | Data on development of roasting process of fine-dispersing zinc concentrates in fluid-bed furnace of the Chelyabinsk zinc factory is presented. Influence of both chemical and physical properties of a concentrate on roasting process is shown. Recommendations about preparation of a concentrate to roasting are given. Design features of furnaces and their influence on stability of work of fluid-bed furnace are considered. Influence of a condition of boiling bed of the furnace on technological modes of roasting is defined. Directions of improvement of roasting process are formulated. |
Ключевые слова | Zinc concentrate, furnace-charge, roasting, fluidbed furnace, temperature, granulometric structure, stub end |
Language of full-text | русский |
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