Журналы →  Non-ferrous Мetals →  2010 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Processing pattern of copper-nickel nis material in respect to chlorine technology of electrolyte nickel production
Автор Tsapakh S. L., Demidov K. A., Khomchenko O. A., Sadovskaya G. I.
Информация об авторе Tsapakh S. L., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Gipronickel Institute, Phone: (812)335-32-86; Demidov K. A., Deputy General Director – Technical Manager, Khomchenko O. A., Chief Specialist, Division of R&D Management and Environmental Safety, Sadovskaya G. I., Deputy Head, Control and Analytical Centre on Research Work- Head of Research Section, (Kola MMC)
Библиографический список 1. Pat. 2303086 RF. Method of producing electrolytic nickel / Demidov K. A., Besedovsky S. G., Shelestov N. A. et al. ; publ. 20.07.2007.
2. Makino S., Sugimoto M., Yano F., Matsumoto N. // EPD Congress — Warrendale (Pa.) : TMS, 1996. P. 297–311.
3. Stensholt E. O., Dotterud O. M., Henriksen E. E. et al. // CIM Bulletin. 2001. Vol. 94, N 1051. P. 101–104.
4. Pat. 7138005 US. Nickel refining method / Kudo K., Imamura M., Ando K. ; appl. 09.09.2002; publ. 21.11.2006.
5. Pat. 3975189 US. Recovery of copper sulphide and nickel from solution / Hougen L. R. ; appl. 24.06.1974 ; publ. 17.08.1976.
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