ArticleName |
Influence of filler wire on the mechanical properties
of butt joints of high-strength aluminum plates of 1901T1 alloy |
ArticleAuthorData |
JSC Samara Metallurgical Plant, Moscow, Russia
А. М. Drits, Director of Business and Technology Development, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail:
Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia. V. V. Ovchinnikov, Head of the Department of Materials Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: R. B. Reztsov, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Materials Science, e-mail: |
Abstract |
The results of the mechanical properties of welded plates joints made of alloy 1901T1 with a thickness of 15 mm made by manual multipass argon-arc welding are obtained. The wires SvAMg63 and Sv 1575 alloyed with scandium were used as filler material. When testing welded joints of 1901T1 alloy plates performed by multipass manual argon-arc welding, the destruction of samples occurred in the zone of thermal influence. The strength coefficient of joints made by manual argon arc welding with SvAMg63 filler wire was 0.63, with Sv1575 wire — 0.66.The destruction of welded joints samples of 1901T1 alloy plates during testing occurred in the high-temperature area of the zone of thermal influence. Heating of the welded joints to a temperature of 170 оC with holding time of 2 hours led to a decrease in the strength coefficient of the welded joints to 0.60–0.61. The addition of scandium into the weld metal through the Sv1575 filler wire increased the temporary resistance of the weld metal by 10–12% compared with the SvAMg63 wire. It was found that heating the welded joints to 170 оC with holding time of 2 hours led to an increase in the temporary resistance of the weld metal to 288.1 MPa (SvAMg63 wire) and 317.4 MPa (Sv1575 wire). During multipass argon-arc welding of 1901T1 alloy plates with Cb1575 filler wire, the formation of a fine-grained (12–28 microns) structure with Al3Sc particles along the grain boundaries is observed in the weld metal. When using SwAMg63 filler wire, the grain size is 45–95 microns. The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation within the framework of project No. 22-19-00121 “Patterns of structural and phase transformations in aluminum-calcium alloys alloyed with zinc and magnesium”. |
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