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ArticleName Study the possibility of deep purification of lithium salts from sodium by extraction with chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide and polyester in a polar solvent
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2025.01.05
ArticleAuthor Lisovskaya Е. S., Shishkin D. N., Goletsky N. D., Mamchich М. V.

JSC V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Gatchina, Russia

Е. S. Lisovskaya, II Grade Engineer, e-mail:
D. N. Shishkin, Senior Researcher, e-mail:
М. V. Mamchich, Researcher, e-mail:


JSC V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Gatchina, Russia1 ; Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia2

N. D. Goletsky, Head of Laboratory1,2, e-mail:


Simplifying the purification of lithium salts from impurities could significantly reduce the cost of lithium batteries. To reduce the cost of their production, an extraction method was proposed for the deep purification of lithium salts from sodium with an extractant based on chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide (CCD) and polyethylene oxide (PEO) in a polar solvent (this extractant was previously used in the industrial processing of highly radioactive waste, in particular, the separation of 137Cs and 90Sr). Laboratory studies have shown that an extractant based on CCD and PEO in a polar solvent can effectively purify lithium salts from sodium. Extraction was performed from solutions containing tens of grams per litre of Li. Impurity concentrations were of 100 mg/l. The most convenient forms for purification are carbonate, sulfate and lit hium hydroxide. The addition of PEO to the CCD extractant increases the degree of sodium extraction several times. The greatest effect is observed for PEG-300 polyester (polyethylene glycol). The most effective PEO are PEG-300, PEG-400 and Slovafol 909 (nonylphenyl polyethylene glycol). During extraction, along with sodium, potassium and calcium enter the organic phase. The degree of separation of Na/Li, K/Li and Ca/Li during extraction exceeds 5. The re-extraction of sodium from the organic phase is easily carried out with a solution of mineral acid at a concentration of 6 mol/l. Re-extraction with sulfuric and nitric acids is the most effective. Based on the conducted research, a cascade extraction scheme was proposed for the purification of lithium salts from sodium, potassium and calcium with an expected purification coefficient of more than 1000.

keywords Extraction, lithium, sodium, purification, chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide, polyester, polar solvent

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