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ArticleName Optimization of mine support design using numerical modeling
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.23
ArticleAuthor Pozolotin A. S., Grebenshchikov A. M., Ilyasov E. R.

Research Center–Institute of Mining (NIC IGD), Kemerovo, Russia

A. S. Pozolotin, CEO, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, наук,
A. M. Grebenshchikov, Deputy Technical CEO for Projects
E. R. Ilyasov, Head of the Geomechanics and Geotechnology Department


Geomechanical evaluations become particularly relevant when it is necessary to substantiate the mining impact on the stress–strain behavior and, as a consequence, stability of rock mass. 3D modeling of geological conditions together with actual production processes makes it possible to predict a geotechnical situation. It is also possible to predict zones of possible failure in rocks mass, and loss of stability in underground openings, which provides an actual pattern of geomechanical processes and allows assessment of their influence on the stress–strain behavior of enclosing rock mass surrounding underground stopes. The range of works on evaluation, modeling and recommendation was executed by specialists of NIC IGD in a mine in Russia. At the first stage, the information available on the test subject was analyzed with the assessment of actual geological and geotechnical conditions. At the second stage, 3D stress–strain modeling was carried out for rock mass at a depth greater than 300 m. The calculations and analysis used geotechnical computation software system Midas GTS NX. The scope of the modeling embraced the visualization and analysis of rock pressure and elastic strains at the boundary of stopes and in the pillars at different values of indicators of rock mass quality. The 3D stress–strain modeling reveals that, given the project designs of underground openings are observed, the stability of adjacent rock mass is affected by the physical and mechanical parameters, and by the jointing of rock mass.

keywords Stress–strain behavior, mining system, 3D modeling, mining operations, rock bolting

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