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ArticleName The analysis of physical and mechanical properties of backfill in triaxial compression and in oedometer test
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.18
ArticleAuthor Trofimov A. V., Popov M. S., Kirkin A. P., Ilchenko N. M.

Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A. V. Trofimov, Head of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
M. S. Popov, Researcher
A. P. Kirkin, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
N. M. Ilchenko, 1st Class Engineer


In mining, backfill mixtures are used to fill mined-out voids in order to control rock pressure, as well as in closure of underground mine workings. The compositions of backfill help reduce displacement and deformation of the overlying rock mass and the earth’s surface. The main indicator of backfill capacities is, as a rule, the uniaxial compression strength, but it is insufficient for the in-depth analysis of influence exerted by backfill properties on movement processes. The most important are the compression properties of backfill, which characterize compressibility of “stiff walls”, the complete stress–strain curve in triaxial compression, as well as the cohesion and the internal friction modulus. For the present research, 15 formulations of backfill of various types and grades were prepared. Determination of the strength characteristics and compressibility of backfill are the key factors in solving a number of problems in underground mine design and planning. The tests were carried out to determine the limit strength of cube samples at various duration of hardening, which revealed the strength development dynamics in backfill with respect to time. From the results of the triaxial compression test, the yield strength, limit strength and residual strength, as well as the resultant modulus of deformation, adhesion and the angle of internal friction were determined. These parameters are used as the input data in numerical models. The compression properties of the backfill samples were tested, which made it possible to calculate the porosity coefficient, compressibility coefficient and the oedometric modulus of deformation. The data obtained after volumetric compression and oedometer tests provide more detailed information about the physical processes taking place in backfill in the course of time, and also allow using more accurate data in numerical modeling.

keywords Physical and mechanical properties, backfill mixture, limit strength, compression properties, compressibility coefficient, triaxial compression, backfill deformation modulus

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