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ArticleName Determination of rock types during drilling by frequency characteristics of vibroseis signal
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.12
ArticleAuthor Sergunin M. P.

NorNickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia

M. P. Sergunin, Head of Department for Geotechnical Surveillance of Mining at the Center for Geodynamic Safety,


The advanced technology, which makes it possible to obtain data on rock mass during drilling and in real-time regime—Measurement While Drilling (MWD), uses response of rocks to the mechanical impact in the course of drilling. The MWD technology includes monitoring and measurement of such parameters as axial pressure, feed pressure, drilling penetration rate, torque, etc., and provides data on the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. The are many examples of application of the technology in construction of underground and above-ground structures, and in open pit and underground ore mining, which prove the technology efficiency. This article describes the prospects for expanding capacities of the MWD technology through the analysis of the sound response of rocks to the rotary percussion impact. Under the rotary percussion impact, a rock initiates a sound response that depends on the properties of the rock and is unique for each type of rocks. It is revealed that skilled operators of drilling rigs can precisely determine types of rocks by their sound response, and therefore, this article reports the analysis of frequency characteristics of vibroseis record obtained during drilling. It is proved that the best differentiation of rock types is provided in the analysis of the signal by classes of pitches of sound with presentation of the data as diagrams of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). This approach enables creating a base of sound responses of rocks for the identification of the rock types later on. As a classifier of sound responses, the method of k-Nearest Neighbors was applied (kNN), which proved the unique characteristics of vibroseis signals from different type rocks and the possibility of classification of rocks by their sound response.

keywords Rock, drilling, vibroseis signal, sound response, sound pitch level

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