ArticleName |
Direct dynamic method of calculating an industrial building frame
for seismic load from drilling and blasting operations |
ArticleAuthorData |
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
A. V. Yavarov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia A. V. Trofimov, Deputy Director of the Research and Development Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences P. A. Tyapkina, Junior Researcher of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory A. V. Fedoseev, Leading Researcher of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
Abstract |
Assessment of the permissible seismic impact on structures from drilling and blasting operations is performed based on values of permissible velocities, stipulated by regulatory documents. This approach may impose excessively strict requirements on reducing the mass of explosive charges or, conversely, not take into account the specific features of a particular structure. To analyse the resulting stress-strain state of engineering structures, this paper makes a case for direct dynamic calculations performed in computational complexes utilizing the finite element method. Direct integration of the equations of motion over time allows computer modelling of a structure's response to a dynamic action both during its implementation and after its completion. As a consequence, unlike in the linearspectral method, the short duration of the investigated impact is taken into account, which, in comparison with earthquakes, among other things, distinguishes the studied phenomena into a separate class of problems. The paper describes a methodology of building models for direct dynamic calculation of structures' response to seismic load from drilling and blasting operations. The authors emphasise the differences in solving problems in static and dynamic formulations. In particular, instructions on application of loads, as well as assignment of material parameters and boundary conditions are given. In view of assigning damping in Rayleigh form, and also considering the issue of vibration-sensitive equipment operating in structures, an additional series of models with different pairs of natural frequencies is introduced. The presented methodology is illustrated using an example of calculating a frame of an industrial building. The analysis of the obtained calculation results allows to specify recommendations on permissible values of velocities for each object exposed to impact of drilling and blasting operations, especially structures with a large number of defects and damages. |
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