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Economics and Finances
ArticleName Technological foundations of decarbonization in the supply chains of the Russian ferrous metallurgy
DOI 10.17580/chm. 2025.01.14
ArticleAuthor S. P. Petrov

Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

S. P. Petrov, Cand. Econ., Head of the Dept. of Applied Regional Studies, e-mail:


Ferrous metallurgy is carbon-intensive industry with wide production scales, which justifies its leading position in Russia in terms of pollutants emissions into the atmosphere in the sector of industrial processes and product use. This creates certain risks for ferrous metal producers, for example, reputational risks associated with changes in the preferences of end consumers and society as a whole, and actualizes such a direction of industry development as decarbonization. The production of ferrous metals is a complex process and includes a number of stages that form supply chains around metal producers with certain technological production schemes. On the one hand, in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, such a chain structure requires the use of integrated solutions, on the other hand, when they are implemented, synergistic effects of reducing the negative impact will arise, which in turn will allow the implemented enterprises to form competitive advantages in the market and receive economic rent. To do this, it is necessary to have an understanding of the contribution to the total pollutants emissions of supply chain stages in the ferrous metallurgy, taking into account the technological production schemes used in them, which will allow identifying promising technologies to reduce such emissions. This will allow specific enterprises, which develop modernization projects or projects of forming new production facilities, to identify technologies that lead to achieving the minimum possible negative impact on the environment, taking into account the economic feasibility of their implementation.
The article was prepared according to the research plan of the IEIE SB RAS, project (0260-2021-0002) “Integration and interaction of mesoeconomic systems and markets in Russia and its eastern regions: methodology, analysis, forecasting”, No. 121040100284-9.

keywords Ferrous metallurgy, supply chains, Russian metallurgical districts, environment, carbon dioxide, decarbonization technologies, non-mining metallurgy, hydrogen metallurgy, CCUS

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