Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2025 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Deformation of a billet during helical rolling under the effect of intra-center axial tension
DOI 10.17580/chm.2025.01.07
Автор Zh. Ya. Rotenberg, A. S. Budnikov, M. D. Dudyrev
Информация об авторе

Mönchengladbach, Germany

Zh. Ya. Rotenberg, Cand. Eng., Independent Researcher, e-mail: zhozef.rotenberg@mail.ru


National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
A. S. Budnikov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Metal Forming, e-mail: budnikov.as@misis.ru
M. D. Dudyrev, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Metal Forming, e-mail: m153802@edu.misis.ru


A feature of most screw rolling mills is that deformation is carried out with support, i.e. under the influence of intralesional axial compression. This is an important factor influencing the nature of the shape change of the workpiece. There is a significant transverse deformation in the groove of a rolling mill, as a result of which the shape of the metal occurs under conditions of alternating radial deformation, which consumes a significant part of the power expended during rolling. The idea of helical rolling under the influence of intrafocal axial tension is based on the creation of rolling conditions under which the workpiece is deformed under axial tension. The helical rolling process can be implemented under such conditions by calibrating work rolls with a ridge located in front of the gripping section. This paper presents the results of assessing the influence of intrafocal axial tension on the shape change of a solid round billet during cross-helical rolling in a cross-roller mill. The assessment of shape change was carried out on samples with diameters of 26 mm, 32 mm and 36 mm, which were inhibited during the rolling process. The nature of the transverse deformation was determined by the ovality coefficient, which is equal to the ratio of the largest radius in the interroll space to the radius of the caliber. For a comparative assessment of the change in transverse deformation of samples of the same diameter in the experiment, the ratio of the areas under the graph of ovality coefficients, which were calculated for samples rolled on experimental and standard calibrations, was used. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of using experimental calibration in order to reduce transverse deformation and improve the geometric parameters of workpieces during rolling. Thus, the use of experimental calibration during the rolling process helps to reduce transverse deformation and improve the geometric parameters of workpieces, confirming its potential for use in industrial production.

Ключевые слова Screw rolling, multiroll mill, feed angle, minimill, work roll, ridge sizing, experiment, ovality factor
Библиографический список

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