Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2024 →  №9 →  Назад

Machine-building technologies
Название Application of composite film materials for marking engineering products
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.09.15
Автор E. I. Pryakhin, E. Yu. Zhdanova, D. M. Sharapova, A. Yu. Dranovа
Информация об авторе

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia

E. I. Pryakhin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. of Materials Science and Technology of Art Products, e-mail: e.p.mazernbc@yandex.ru
E. Yu. Zhdanova, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Materials Science and Technology of Art Products, e-mail: ivan.grey.90@mail.ru
D. M. Sharapova, Associate Prof., Dept. of Materials Science and Technology of Art Products, e-mail: sharapova_dm@pers.spmi.ru
A. Yu. Dranovа, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Materials Science and Technology of Art Products, e-mail: s225020@stud.spmi.ru


The article discusses the use of film materials for laser marking of chemically resistant labels. These labels are able to stick to the product and are non-removable, collapsing when trying to re-glue, which provides protection against falsification of information. This technology is preferable to direct laser marking on the product, as it avoids deterioration of the marking quality due to corrosion or high temperatures. New composite film materials for use in laser marking of critical products in the machine-building and metallurgical industries operating in aggressive environments and high temperatures. Adhesive and high-temperature film materials are proposed, as well as material for marking incandescent products using a sighting pistol. Studies of the temperature and chemical resistance of films for laser marking in various operating conditions are presented. Samples of films deposited on 10Kh18N9 steel plates were studied, which were then heated to certain temperatures and checked for marking stability. A study of the quality of laser marking, which is provided by the developed films, is also given. During the work, the films were processed on a fiber laser system, after which a comparison was made with the image quality on polymer laser films. The chemical resistance of the films after interaction with an aggressive medium at different time intervals was evaluated. The samples were checked for their appearance and contrast markings. The research results can be useful for the development of laser marking technologies in the engineering and metallurgical industries.

Ключевые слова Marking, barcode, laser processing, temperature resistance, chemical resistance, organosilicon, composite film material, contrast marking, pressure sensitives adhesive
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