Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2024 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Hydrometallurgical processing studies for Altyn-Zhylga ore and tailings
DOI 10.17580/or.2024.02.02
Автор Baikelova G. Sh., Arykova S. K.
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Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev, KSTU named after I. Razzakov (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)

Baykelova G. Sh., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, baikelova@mail.ru
Arykova S. K., Senior Lecturer, sulayka.arykova@gmail.com


Laboratory studies have been completed to identify proper processing methods for the ore of the Altyn-Zhylga deposit in Kyrgyzstan. In terms of its main components, the ore rates as sulfide gold- and silver-bearing ore, with copper as the associated valuable component. Valuable minerals are intergrown with the host rock in fine interpenetrations, contributing to refractory qualities of the ore. The average gold content in the ore sample was 5.29 g/t, with 23.15 g/t of silver. Given the high losses of valuable components with gravity and flotation tailings, the recommended ore treatment methods for gold recovery were based on combinations of flotation and cyanidation, gravity concentration (table concentration, centrifugal concentration) and cyanidation. Cyanidation of flotation tailings rendered processing waste (cyanidation cakes) with a lower gold content of 0.2 g/t, which in turn improved the total Au recovery. Gold loss with the cyanidation cakes totaled 3.0 %. The tests demonstrated total gold recoveries of 83.5–86.7 % for the flotation + cyanidation technology and of 88.7–90.1 % for the gravity concentration + cyanidation technology. A rational analysis was carried out to identify the mineral form enabling gold and silver losses in flotation tailings. The analysis has shown that non-recoverable gold is distributed evenly among the mineral components and has a subtle and close connection with them. The complete chemical analysis data clearly demonstrate that the contents of valuable components (copper, gold, and silver) in the resulting gravity and flotation concentrates meet the applicable requirements and that these concentrates may be sent to non-ferrous metallurgy plants for processing.

Ключевые слова Gold, valuable components, concentrate, ore, tailings, processing technology, hydrometallurgy, cyanidation
Библиографический список

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