Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №3 →  Назад

Название Full-scale experiment on application of grouting-based support system in Oktyabrsky Mine
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.03.07
Автор Kisel A. A., Balandin V. V., Nashatyrev A. G., Liskovets A. S.
Информация об авторе

NorNickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia

A. A. Kisel, Chief Engineer, Center for Geodynamic Safety
V. V. Balandin, Director, Oktyabrsky Mine


Institute of Industrial and Environmental Safety, Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia
A. G. Nashatyrev, Senior Researcher, ipeb@kuzstu.ru
A. S. Liskovets, Senior Researcher


The strength of undamaged rock mass at all levels at the Oktyabrsky deposit ranges from 8 to 14 m. The strength properties of rocks worsen in approach to the zone of tectonic faults. Faulting in the zone of mining varies from heavy to moderate, and rocks have the medium to weak stability, accordingly. After studying the parameters of mine roadway support in difficult mining and geological conditions of Oktyabrsky Mine field by the staff of the Institute of Industrial and Environmental Safety of the Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev, the introduction of the technology of frame-type support systems with reinforced sleeves as interframe overlaps offers a number of advantages compared to reinforced concrete lining. Initially, the order of works on erection of metal frame support with the use of reinforced sleeves is given, including all technical characteristics and design parameters. The timing of the work showed that the entire cycle of work on the installation and filling of reinforced sleeves with cement-sand mortar took less time compared to reinforced concrete lining. One of the most significant advantages of using reinforced sleeves is that they are a more advanced design compared to reinforced concrete lining. This allows improving technical and economic indicators of the processes of frame support installation and filling of voids behind the frame arch. Thus, the introduction of the technology of frame-type support system with the use of reinforced sleeves contributes to the increase in efficiency and economy of the processes of the support installation and filling of void behind the support.
The authors appreciate participation of staff members of NorNickel’s Polar Division in this study, namely, I. V. Kopranov, Department of Mining Practice, V. A. Gorpinchenko, Center for Geodynamic Safety, and A. N. Ksenafontov, Oktyabrsky Mine

Ключевые слова Mine roadways, support, frame-type support, sand–cement mix, grout, reinforced lining, interframe overlap
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