Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2023 →  №10 →  Назад

Название Flotation processing of gold-bearing porphyry copper ores from the Republic of Uzbekistan deposits optimized through the use of advanced russia-made collecting agents
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2023.10.01
Автор Medzhibovskiy A. S., Naftal M. N., Fedotova Ya. Yu., Solomko N. G., Proskuryakova O. V., Kizyaev D. A.
Информация об авторе

NPP Qualitet LLC, Lyubertsy, Moscow Region, Russia

A. S. Medzhibovskiy, Chairman of the Board, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
M. N. Naftal, Deputy Director, Candidate of Technical Science, e-mail: qualitetmet@mail.ru


Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Ya. Yu. Fedotova, Postgraduate Student

D. A. Kizyaev, Postgraduate Student


Almalyk MMC JSC, Almalyk, Uzbekistan
N. G. Solomko, Lead Beneficiation Engineer (Complex Ores), Engineering Department
O. V. Proskuryakova, Process Engineer at the Prototype Concentrator Plant of the Centre for the Development and Implementation of Innovative Technology


Porphyry copper ore deposits belong to the main sources of copper, molybdenum, as well as gold, silver and a number of concomitant elements – such as rare, precious and trace elements. Countries with developed copper industries (and Uzbekistan is one of them) are working on establishing major processing sites, which are to process huge amounts of porphyry copper ores for dozens of years to come. One of the key problems related to the beneficiation of such ores is high losses of copper, molybdenum, gold and silver, which get wasted with tailings. Use of effective collecting agents during flotation is the most promising way to minimize such losses. A trial that was conducted with the gold-bearing porphyry copper ores of the Oliy Ziyo deposit developed by the Almalyk MMC (the Kalmakyr and Yoshlik-I areas) helped establish that the Qualitet reagents help raise the recovery of copper, molybdenum and gold, improve the flotation process kinetics and save the use of less effective reagents. The authors note that one could significantly decrease the specific consumption of butyl xanthate, spindle oil and T-92 frothing agent avoiding affecting the overall flotation performance. Based on the obtained results of the laboratory study, it is recommended to conduct pilot tests for the proposed reagents on a unit housed by the pilot concentrator plant of the Almalyk MMC. Two different reagent modes are recommended for testing the ore from the Kalmakyr deposit: a combination of AFI-4G10K and DP-4 in combination with butyl xanthate; a combination of M-TF-421 and butyl xanthate.
Active contributors to this research study include A. A. Abdukadyrov from Almalyk MMC, M. I. Khersonskiy from Gintsvetmet Institute, as well as I. A. Kazin, A. V. Dementiev, E. A. Bliev, L. V. Antonenko, A. M. Saynazarov, G. V. Ivanova, N. A. Bagryanskiy, N. T. Zhuk.

Ключевые слова Сopper, gold, molybdenum, porphyry copper ores, flotation, recovery, concentrate, tailings, collecting agents, composite flotation reagents, combinations of collecting agents, Almalyk MMC, Kalmakyr, Yoshlik-I, Qualitet
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