Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2023 →  №7 →  Назад

Название Comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the system for removal, purification and processing of gases from fluidized bed furnaces of the JSC Kola MMC`s refining shop
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2023.07.02
Автор Metelev A. A., Kirsanov V. A., Mikhailov N. G., Rabchuk A. V.
Информация об авторе

JSC Uralmekhanobr, Yekaterinburg, Russia:

A. A. Metelev, Chief Engineer, e-mail: Metelev_AA@umbr.ru
V. A. Kirsanov, Advisor to the General Director for Engineering, e-mail: Kirsanov_VA@umbr.ru
N. G. Mikhailov, Leading Engineer of the Technological Audit Department, e-mail: Mikhaylov_NG@umbr.ru

JSC Kola MMC, Monchegorsk, Russia:
A. V. Rabchuk, Head of the Technical Department, e-mail: RabchukAV@kolagmk.ru


Today, fluidized bed (FB) furnaces are used in various sectors of the economy of our country and abroad. The technology of oxidative roasting of sulfide raw materials in FB furnaces has been widely used in industrial practice. In this regard, there is an increase in the number of publications of practical and theoretical materials and research on the firing processes in the FB. This publication is a part of a comprehensive study of the gas removal, purification and processing system of fluidized bed furnaces of the refining shop of the Kola MMC. The work was carried out in order to analyze and comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of the entire technological chain of the process of removal, purification and processing of gases from FB furnaces, as well as to develop recommendations and technical solutions for improving the functioning of each unit and the complex as a whole. As a result, a multi-criteria assessment and analysis of the technological process of the FB furnace was carried out, visual design was made. The granulometric and chemical composition of the dust has been studied. Some draft versions of the proposed recommendations are highlighted. Calculations of the payback periods for the proposed technical improvements are partially presented. The data obtained as a result of the work carried out can be used to minimize the impact of problems caused by the destabilization of processes in the FB furnace, as well as to achieve higher technical and economic indicators. Despite this, many applied issues related to the study of the firing process in FB apparatuses, such as process modeling, improving the quality control, and the effectiveness of modifications, remain insufficiently developed.
The authors express their gratitude to the employees of JSC Kola MMC and JSC Uralmekhanobr, who was directly involved in this study, as well as R. I. Ivanov, the chief specialist of the JSC Kola MMC`s technical department, Chief Engineer of the Refining Shop K. V. Mikhalev.

Ключевые слова fluidized bed furnace, efficiency, oxidative roasting, comprehensive evaluation, dust removal, gas purification and processing
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