Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2023 →  №3 →  Назад

Название On the selection of devices for mechanical activation and attrition of mineral granular media
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.03.08
Автор Sizikov V. S., Sizikov S. A.
Информация об авторе

Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia):

Sizikov V. S., Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, sizikovvs@yandex.ru


NIPKB Stroitehnika CJSC (Saint Petersburg, Russia):
Sizikov S. A., General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, sizikovsa@rambler.ru


This paper presents an analytical review of the efficiency of existing equipment for attrition and mechanical activation of granular mineral materials. It indicates its main disadvantages, such as overgrinding, higher energy consumption, and poor controls over the impact on the material layer. A dynamic attrition and mechanical activation device is proposed that eliminates these disadvantages by exposing the stressed layer of the medium to the vibrating walls with the possibility of controlling the stresses in the layer by adjusting the frequency and amplitude of the impact force and the material level in the working chamber. The paper provides the results of a stress-strain state analysis for a layer of sand of two size types, with measurements of the pressure and air rarefaction, the forces of normal response of the layer to exposure to working chamber walls, the speed of transportation, and accelerations of wall oscillations depending on various oscillation frequencies, the amplitude of the vibrator impact force, and the filling density of the working chamber. These results indicate a high degree of controllability for vibrational-volumetric impacts on a granular medium and good prospects for the development of devices for surface treatment of mineral grains by attrition and mechanical activation for various industrial technologies. This will require an experimental study of the process of dynamic impacts of vibrating walls on a layer of granular medium in order to establish the relationship between the physical parameters of deformation and displacement of a layer of material and the vibration loading conditions of a granular medium layer exposed to the working chamber walls of the device for materials with different physical and mechanical properties.
The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (topic No. 121112500313-6).

Ключевые слова Mechanical activation, attrition, vibrational-volumetric impact method, microsurface layer, granular medium, antiphase oscillations, synchronization, working chamber
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