Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2023 →  №5 →  Назад

Название On revamping of sulphur production line at Copper Smelter of Nornickel’s Polar Division
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2023.05.03
Автор Platonov O. I., Tsemekhman L. Sh.
Информация об авторе

O. I. Platonov, Independent Adviser, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: oilpa@yandex.ru
L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Professor, Editorial Board Member at Tsvetnye Metally, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: lev.tsem1@gmail.com


Having performed calculations, the authors of this paper determined the maximum possible recovery of sulphur from Vanyukov furnace sulphurous gases for one elemental sulphur production line of the Copper Smelter, a part of Nornickel’s Polar Division. The line comprises only one catalytic conversion stage for thermally reduced sulphurous gas and has other constraints. Based on the results of balance calculations, the authors determined the maximum possible performance of the existing elemental sulphur production line at the Copper Smelter in case of replacing and expanding the condenser equipment. When using twin standard condensers, the heat-transfer area of which is 30% larger than that of the design G-950 boilers, the recovery of sulphur from the Copper Smelter Vanyukov furnace sulphurous gas would not exceed 61%, with the specific consumption of natural gas being ~1,000 nm3/ton of commodity sulphur. Judging from the predicted composition of the off-gas generated by the elemental sulphur production line, it can be processed and acid can be produced that could be utilized by the Copper Smelter and used for making backfill material for the mining sites of Nornickel’s Polar Division. Such combined processing and a ~60 % recovery of commodity sulphur will enable an almost complete disposal of the Vanyukov furnace off-gases at the Copper Smelter of Nornickel’s Polar Division. The initial data on the specific consumption of natural gas, oxygen and boiler feed water, as well as on heat generation can be used for a feasibility study to support the sulphur production line revamping project.

Ключевые слова Vanyukov furnace, off-gas, disposal, reduced sulphurous gas, conversion, Claus reactor, recovery of sulphur
Библиографический список

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