Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2018 →  №8 →  Назад

Название Development and research of a new granular disk alloy VZh178P for advanced aviation GTE
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2018.08.11
Автор Vostrikov A. V., Volkov A. M., Bakradze M. M.
Информация об авторе

FSUE “VIAM” SRS RF, Moscow, Russia:

A. V. Vostrikov, Deputy Head of Science and Engineering society, e-mail: admin@viam.ru
A. M. Volkov, Chief of Sector
M. M. Bakradze, Head of Science and Engineering society


The main characteristics of high-temperature nickel alloys that determine the performance of discs of promising gas turbine engines (GTD) are short-term strength, long-term strength and low-cycle fatigue resistance at elevated operating temperatures. Existing domestic alloys, both obtained by the deformation method from a double remelting ingot, and granulated, to which hot isostatic pressing is applied, do not fully meet the increasing requirements of aircraft designers. The development of a technology for the production of GTD disc blanks from a new high-temperature nickel alloy by the metallurgy of granules is presented. The results of the research are presented, including the development of the chemical composition, hot isostatic compaction regimes and heat treatment of the new alloy. When doping in comparison with disk heat-resistant nickel alloys of the same purpose, the carbon content was increased to 0.10%, tantalum was used, molybdenum was partially replaced by tungsten, complex micro-alloying with rare earth elements (boron, zirconium, cerium, scandium, magnesium) was used. Hot isostatic pressing and hardening were carried out in a single-phase region. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the experimental full-length blanks of disks with a diameter of 600 mm and a mass of up to 70 kg, made of pellets of a new high-temperature nickel alloy under the conditions of the current pilot production, were studied. Various modes of step aging have been tested, the optimal variant has been determined. The highest level of properties is ensured at a grain size of 25 μm with a uniform release of dispersed particles of the hardening γ-phase about 0.25 μm in size. The achieved level of the characteristics of the alloy VZh17811 corresponds to the modern requirements for disc materials GTE.
The work was carried out within the framework of the implementation of a comprehensive scientific direction 10.2. “Isothermal deformation in the air of a new generation of heterophase hard-to-deform high-temperature alloys” (“Strategic Directions for the Development of Materials and Technologies for Their Processing until 2030”).

Ключевые слова Granules, heat-resistant nickel alloy, alloying, microstructure, grain size, γ-phase, carbides, hot isostatic pressing, heat treatment, short-term strength, long-term strength, LCF
Библиографический список

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