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Automation and managing systems
Название Automatic crane at the Bilstein Group plant: compatibility and efficiency
Автор R. Jentzsch
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Siemens AG (Münster, Germany):

R. Jentzsch, Digital Factory, e-mail: roland.jentzsch@siemens.com


The perfect efficient management, drives and pendulum adjusting present electronic base of the completely automatized crane at the enterprise of Bilstein Group in Hagen. This crane operates for two years in one the most modern and compact annealing lines worldwide with a bll-type furnace and provides very exact, reliable and efficient operation. 155-ton crane can move with one millimeter precision. Thereby any defects occurring during transportation and connected with the human factor are excluded and productivity increases. The final aim of Bilstein Group is to provide complex automation and integration for all metallurgical technological processes from rolling to finishing.

Ключевые слова Automation, transportation, crane, bell-type furnace, data base, management
Language of full-text русский
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