Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2013 →  №1 →  Назад

Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS
Название Ultrasonic control of capillar tubes
Автор S. P. Burkin, S. I. Parshakov, Al. V. Serebryakov, An. V. Serebryakov, V. V. Maltsev, I. N. Bazhukov.
Информация об авторе

Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia):

Burkin S. P., Cand. Eng., Prof., the Chair of Metal Forming
Parshakov S. I., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof.


“Novye tekhnologii trub” (“New tube technologies”) LLC (Ekaterinburg, Russia):
Serebryakov Al. V., Cand. Eng., Director


Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant (Pervouralsk, Russia):
Serebraykov An. V., Cand. Eng., Head of Scientific Research Dept., Scientific Engineering Center
Maltsev V. V., Cand. Eng., Head of the Shop
Bazhukov I. N., Research Engineer,  Ivan.Bazhukov@chelpipe.ru


A subject matter of this paper is ultrasonic testing of small diameter tubes. Until now there has been no technical means of ultrasonic testing of small diameter tubes (less than 5 mm). On the basis of improving the immersion bath design, the technical capabilities of ultrasonic testing equipment have been enhanced significantly. In particular, defects such as longitudinal cracks and imprints, nonmetallic inclusions, pores and dents on the thin-walled pipes of small diameter (less than 5 mm) can be reliably determined. The developed unit allows also to conduct measurements of wall thickness along the whole tune length, in order to increase control reliability. The unit has corresponding equipment for recording the results of measurements in electronic mode. The obtained results can be processes by certified methods of statistical analysis. Based on the results of tube wall thickness measurements, it is possible not only to estimate precision of tube dimensions, but also to evaluate steadiness of the whole technological process. It is also possible during such analysis to identify technological operations having the most effect on precision and stability of dimensions of finished tubes. Control and correction of the procedures of corresponding technological operations allows to rise essentially dimensional stability as along every tube, as well between tubes inside one technological batch and among different batches. It is shown how relatively simple technical means, using the physical properties of the contact liquid, can improve monitoring of capillary pipes.  

Ключевые слова Ultrasonic inspection, immersion method, capillary pipes, thin wall, longitudinal cracks and dents, nonmetallic inclusions, measuring of thickness
Библиографический список

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3. Parshakov S. I., Serebryakov Al. V., Bogatov A. A. et al. Metallurg — Metallurgist. 2006. No. 6. pp. 60–63.
4. Parshakov S. I., Bogatov A. A., Serebryakov An. V. et al. Otsenka stabilnosti i ustoychivosti tekhnologicheskogo protsessa izgotovleniya trub spetsialnogo naznacheniya (Estimation of stability and steadiness of technological process of special purpose pipes manufacturing). Sbornik trudov XIX Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnotekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Truby-2011” (Collection of proceedings of the XIX International scientific and engineering conference “Pipes-2011”). Chelyabinsk, 2012. pp. 169–177.

Language of full-text русский
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