“Materialy Elektronnoi Tekhniki” (transl.: Materials of Electronic Technics Journal) is the leading Russian journal devoted to the problems of production and application of semiconductors, dielectrics and magnetic materials.
Published since 1998, four times per year, volume up to 72 pages, circulation up to 500 copies. ISSN 1609-3597.

Editorial board:

PO Box 71, Moscow, 119049, Russia
Phone (495) 638-45-31
E-mail: met.misis@inbox.ru


Ministry of General and Vocational Training of Russian Federation


Editor-in-Chief – Yuri Parhomenko
Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Yuri Osipov
Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Svetlana Kobeleva
Responsible Secretary – Arina Kosmynina

Editorial board:

Akchurin R. H., D. Eng., Prof.; Aseev A. L., Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.;
Belogorohov A. I., D. Math., Prof.; Bublik V. T., D. Math., Prof.; Dashevskij M. Ja., Prof.;
Dvurechenskij A. V., Prof., Corr. Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.; Fedotov A. K., Prof.;
Garmash V. M., D. Math., Prof.; Geras'kin V. V., D. Math., Prof.;
Guljaev Yu. V., Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.; Kaloshkin S. D., D. Math., Prof.;
Kazanskij A. G., D. Math, Prof..; Kibizov R. V., C. Math.; Kobeleva S. P., C. Math.;
Kovalev A. N., D. Math., Prof.; Kozhitov L. V., D. Eng., Prof.;
Kuznecov F. A., Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.; Kuznecov G. D., D. Eng., Prof.;
Litovchenko V. G., Member of the Ukraine Acad. of Sc.; Manjahin F. I., D. Math., Prof.;
Mordkovich V. N., D. Math., Prof.; Naimi E. K., D. Math., Prof.;
Novotorcev V. M., Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.; Orlikovskij A. A., Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.;
Osipov Yu. V., C. Math.; Parhomenko Yu. N., D. Math., Prof.;
Petrov S. V., C. Eng.; Safaraliev G. K., Prof., Corr. Member of the RF Acad. of Sc.;
Todua P. A., D. Math., Prof.; Vul' A. Ja., D. Math., Prof.
Topic themes:

- Science of materials: semiconductors
- Science of materials: dielectrics
- Science of materials: magnetic materials
- Simulation of processes and materials
- Epitaxial layers and multi-layer compositions
- Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
- Physical properties and investigating methods
- Atomic structure and methods of structural investigations

Based on resolution of the Supreme Attestation Committee (VAK) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the journal is included in the “List of periodical and scientific-technical editions published in the Russian Federation, where publication of the main results of Doctor’s theses are recommended”.