Chernye Metally

«Chernye Metally” journal No. 12-2016 contains mainly the articles written by the authors from Russia and other CIS countries; they present different companies, works, universities and regions.
These companies are presented here by “Metalloinvest”, Lebedinskiy GOK and NPVP TOREX (technical renovation of pelletizing plant), Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (simulation of drawing of hexagonal section from a round billet), Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University (examination of the heterogeneity effect of solidification of continuously cast section billets on their axial porosity), Z. I. Nekrasov Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of NAS of Ukraine and Byelorussian Steel Works (investigation of austenite grain for chromium-molybdenum-bearing steels).
The economical section includes the paper about the state policy directed on development of small-size metallurgical plants and territories of their location (written by V. Yu. Malyi) and the review of the leading German specialists in the area of iron- and steel making from Steel Institute of VDEh (R. Fandrich, H. B. Lüngen, M. Sprecher) about the prospects of efficient metallurgical production in Germany.
The issue presents the detailed report about XXII International scientific-practical tube conference occurred in September 2016 in Chelyabinsk on RosNITI base.
The new section “Technopolis” will make the readership acquainted with the history of strengthening and development, as well as with the current problems and prospects of large industrial centers, where metallurgical plants and technical universities collaborate efficiently, and it results in successful solving of municipal social and ecological problems. The first article in this section is devoted to Magnitogorsk.
Another new section - “Prometey successors” - is devoted to the two famous persons from Bugulma region in Tatarstan. They are not related directly with mining matter and metallurgy, but are closely connected with the wealth of the Earth bowels and saving of cultural and historical heritage. The third article in this collection is about Bugulma local history museum, and it can be considered as connecting link between the heroes of the first two papers – F. I. Ibragimov and R. M. Valeev.
The section “Metallurgical history” includes interesting publication about establishment and first decades of operation of St. Petersburg casting plant (in the future it was known as Putilovskiy and Kirovskiy plant). The indroduction to this article was prepared by the far descendant of Putilov family.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Iron and Steel News of the World |
News of Metallurgical Companies | |
Название | New Fives burners for annealing and galvanizing lines |
Название | Optimized efficiency of technical maintenance for shell bearing blocks of Timken |
Название | Separated cylindrical roller bearings of NSK company for high loads |
Preparation of Raw Materials | |
Название | Full-scale reconstruction of the production facilities to provide the supply of the third HBI plant at Lebedinsky GOK (Lebendinsky Iron Ore Combine, JSC) with raw materials of required quality |
Авторы | A. A. Ugarov, R. I. Ismagilov, O. Yu. Mikhailov, А. А. Solodukhin |
Информация об авторах | “Metalloinvest” Holding Company (Moscow, Russia): Ugarov A. A., First Deputy of General Director — Director on
Lebedinsky GOK (Iron Ore Combine) (Gubkin, Russia):
NPVP TOREX (Ekaterinburg, Russia): |
Metal Science and Metallography | |
Название | The grain size of austenite in chromium-molybdenum-bearing steels after austenitization at different temperatures |
Авторы | V. A. Lutsenko, T. A. Golubenko, O. V. Lutsenko, N. A. Glazunova |
Информация об авторах | Z. I. Nekrasov Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of NAS of Ukraine (Dnipro, Ukraine): Lutsenko V. A., Dr. Eng., Leading Researcher, e-mail:
JSW «BSW — Management Company of Holding «BMC», (Zhlobin, Belarus): |
Continuous Casting | |
Название | Study of the effect of heterogeneity of solidification front on axial porosity of continuously cast section billets |
Авторы | V. N. Gushchin, V. A. Ulyanov |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia): Gushchin V. N., Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment, e-mail: |
Tubemaking | |
Название | Innovations and import replacing in the tube industry. Results of XXII International scientific-practical conference “Tube 2016” |
Автор | V. Ya. Lifanov |
Rolling and other metal forming processes | |
Название | Stress-strained state and forming in drawing of hexagonal sections from a round billet |
Авторы | O. S. Zhelezkov, S. A. Malakanov, S. I. Platov |
Информация об авторах | Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Zhelezkov O. S., Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair “Engineering Mechanics and Structural Resistance”, e-mail: |
Название | Strip stabilization for standard lines |
Название | Putting into practice the new continuous roughing group of stands at the Saarstahl plant |
Название | Strategic partnership between SMS Group and Houghton International for effi cient production of cold-rolled sheet |
Название | Putting into operation the unit of special section forming at the voestalpine plant in Krems |
Economics and finances | |
Название | Influence of the state policy on development of small metallurgical works and territories of their location |
Автор | V. Yu. Malyi |
Информация об авторе | Information and Publishing Service “Metall Supply and Demand” (Moscow, Russia): Malyi V. Yu., Deputy Chief of the Department of Ferrous Metallurgy and Metals Constructions, e-mail: |
Название | Germany and Europe as the leaders in efficient iron and steel industry |
Авторы | R. Fandrich, H. B. Lungen, M. Sprecher |
Информация об авторах | VDEh Steel Institute (Düsseldorf, Germany): Fandrich R., Dr. Eng. Lüngen H. B., Dr. Eng. Sprecher M. |
Название | European iron and steel industry: hard times |
Автор | K. Hardtke |
Информация об авторе | Ratingen, Germany: Hardtke K., Freelance journalist, e-mail: |
Название | Rising risks in China |
Автор | M. Theuringer |
Информация об авторе | “Steel” Economical Union (Düsseldorf, Germany): Theuringer M., Head of Economical dept., e-mail: |
Technopolis | |
Название | Magnitka. Steel and people |
Авторы | V. M. Kolokoltsev, V. V. Filatov |
Информация об авторах | Nosov Magnitogorsk State Industrial University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Kolokoltsev V. M., Dr. Eng., Prof., Rector |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | The plant of St. Petersburg — Putilov — Kirov. Start of the way |
Автор | E. S. Tarakanova |
Информация об авторе | St. Petersburg, Russia: Tarakanova E. S., Independent Researcher, e-mail: |
Heirs of Prometheus | |
Название | Heirs of Prometheus |
Автор | L. A. Weisberg |
Название | Creator of the Age |
Автор | E. R. Tagirov |
Название | The connection of ages will not be interrupted |
Авторы | E. R. Tagirov, Sh. Mulayanov |
Название | Bugulminsky History Museum in the Republic of Tatarstan |
Автор | N. N. Nesynova |
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Название | Annual thematic contents of “Chernye Metally” journal (2016) |