Chernye Metally

The 9th issue of “Chernye Metally” journal, 2016 is opened by its conventional sections “Iron and steel news of the world” and “News of the metallurgical companies”.
The main part of this issue is occupied by the section “Steel making” including 6 articles. One of them (written by V. Chizhevskiy, I. Grishin and O. Shavakuleva) is devoted to development of high-efficient technology of deep processing and comprehensive utilization of steel slags at metallurgical enterprises in the southern Ural.
Other papers in this section describe the following topics: operative planning in the basic oxygen shop at ThyssenKrupp Stahl plant in Beckerwerth; power-efficient usage of burners in the electric arc furnace at Badische Stahlwerke plant in Kehl, accompanying by less refractory wear; cutting the expenses for scrap owing to its upgrading and more detailed composition quality control, based on researches of Kobolde & Partners (Sweden); features of electric arc control in EAF at Primetals Technologies; operation experience for the new Outokumpu shop in Calvert (USA) specialized in melting of stainless steels.
The issue also publishes the papers in the sections “Powder metallurgy” (the article from Samara national research university about selective laser sintering of 316L steel powders) and “Economics and finances” (Review by Yu.L. Adno from the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, with preliminary results of the development of national and global iron and steel industry in 2016.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Iron and Steel News of the World |
News of the Metallurgical Companies | |
ArticleName | Special conveyor for reliable transportation of HDRI in Algeria |
ArticleName | Pilot ThyssenKrupp sintering plant in Duisburg |
ArticleName | Optimized basic oxygen converter construction of SSAB Europe company |
ArticleName | New secondary dust collecting unit is put into operation in Czech Republic |
ArticleName | Heavy plate of Dillinger Hutte for winding power plants in the North and Baltic seas |
ArticleName | Spectrometer for general metal analysis |
ArticleName | High-quality sheet steel of ThyssenKrupp for gas pipeline in Texas |
ArticleName | Rolling process improvement owing to mobile sensors for shape measuring |
ArticleName | Oil content measurement on steel strips |
Steelmaking | |
ArticleName | Development of high-efficient technologies of deep processing and comprehensive utilization of steel slags |
ArticleAuthors | V. B. Chizhevskiy, I. A. Grishin, O. P. Shavakuleva |
ArticleAuthorsData | Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Chizhevskiy V. B., Dr. Eng., Chair of Geology, Mine Surveying and Mineral Processing |
ArticleName | Operative production planning of TKS basic oxygen shop |
ArticleAuthors | T. Maniura, M. Arns, J. Drewes |
ArticleAuthorsData | ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (Duisburg, Germany): Maniura T., Engeneer, Development of Quality Systems and Processes, e-mail: |
ArticleName | Usage of burners in the BSW electric arc furnace |
ArticleAuthors | A. Grosse, K. Libera, A. Opfermann, R. Schweikle, S. Buls, A. Volkert, S. Wohlfahrt |
ArticleAuthorsData | Badische Stahl-Engineering GmbH (Kehl, Germany): Grosse A., Dr. E-mail (common): Badische Stahlwerke GmbH (Kehl, Germany): |
ArticleName | The impact of scrap upgrading on EAF production cost and environmental performance |
ArticleAuthors | R. Gyllenram, O. Westerberg |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kobolde & Partners AB (Chelyabinsk, Russia): Gyllenram R., Dr. Eng., Chairman |
ArticleName | Controlling in the electric arc properties in an AC-EAF at Dörrenberg Edelstahl |
ArticleAuthors | F. Stahl. M. Kuhnemund, K. Kruger, M. Hergt, W. Hartmann, B. Dittmer, A. Dobbeler, T. Matschullat |
ArticleAuthorsData | Dörrenberg Edelstahl GmbH (Engelskirche, Germany): Stahl F., Prof.
Max Eicher GmbH & Co. KG (Freilassung, Germany) [previously Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)]:
Siemens Corporate Technology (Erlangen, Germany):
Primetals Technologies Germany GmbH (Erlangen, Germany): |
ArticleName | Performance of the new stainless steel melt shop of Outokumpu in the USA |
ArticleAuthors | G. Stebner, L. Ernenputsch, H. Moggee, J. Stolz, J. Maas, K. Pastucha, D. Vaillancourt, D. Burzic |
ArticleAuthorsData | Outokumpu Stainless USA (Calvert, USA): Stebner G., Dr. Eng., Vice President of Operations, e-mail:
Primetals Technologies (Linz, Austria): |
Powder Metallurgy | |
ArticleName | Study of structures and mechanical properties of products manufactured via selective laser sintering of 316L steel powder |
ArticleAuthors | V. G. Smelov, A. V. Sotov, A. V. Agapovichev |
ArticleAuthorsData | Samara National Research University named after academician S. P. Korolev. (Samara, Russia): Smelov V. G., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof., Chair of Technology of Engine Fabrication, |
Steel as material | |
ArticleName | Innovative alloyed steels to move forward the advanced technological processes in Europe |
ArticleAuthor | C. Iller |
ArticleAuthorData | Schmolz + Bickenbach Group (Emmenbrücke, Switzerland): Iller C., CEO, e-mail: |
ArticleName | Airplane components manufactured using 3D printer |
Economics and Finances | |
ArticleName | Metallurgy 2016: realities and hopes |
ArticleAuthor | Yu. L. Adno |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute of the World Economy and International Relations (Moscow, Russia): Adno Yu. L., head of the sector, e-mail: |
ArticleName | World steel production |