Chernye Metally

The 6th issue of “Chernye metally” journal is opened by two conventional sections: “Iron and steel news of the world” and “News of metallurgical companies”.
The first article in the section “Ironmaking” is devoted to the problem of production of more pure metal, what is close connected with the problem of raw materials. Evolution of such materials and their usage in Europe are discussed, the tendencies of further development of ironmaking processes are analyzed.
P. Duarte and J. Becerra have examined the problem of high-carbon DRI production via Energiron ZR technology. They have concluded DRI with controlled carbon content 2.5-5.0 % can be manufactured via this technology.
In “Rolling production and metal Forming” section, the specialists from ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe have prepared the article on improvement of the technology and automation systems for CSP unit in Bruckhausen. The results of two-year practice using the new technology are observed.
I. A. Sultanguzin and P. A. Shomov have described the technical re-armament of the power-technological system at a metallurgical works based on application of OptiMet information-analytical system. The energy-saving measures and technologies, as well as evaluation of their effect on lowering the influence of harmful emissions on the environment are presented.
The following paper in the section “Power engineering and ecology”, prepared by V. P. Tsymbal, P. A. Sechenov and A. A. Olennikov from the Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk) and V. V. Pavlov (Regionstroy) has considered the problem of imitation modeling of interaction between dispersed particles in the jet-emulsion unit and gravitation separation. The task to create the evaluation technique for turbulent toughness of heterogeneous stream is formulated on the base of experiments on the imitation and physical models.
The issue also includes the papers on the sections “Metallurgy and automotive industry” and “Economics and finances”.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Iron and Steel News of the World |
News of the Metallurgical Companies | |
Название | METEC and ESTAD/2 2015 as the largest European conference on iron and steel making technologies and equipment |
Название | New system for electrodes adjusting for electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces developed by Primetals Technologies |
Название | New duplex RH unit increases by 2 mln. tpy productivity of vacuum treatment at Salzgitter Flachstahl plant |
Ironmaking | |
Название | Technological tendencies of blast furnace practice and evaluation of iron ore and coal resources |
Авторы | H. B. Lungen, J. Noldin, P. Schmole |
Информация об авторах | Steel Institute VDEh (Düsseldorf, Germany): Lüngen H. B., Director Technology
Lhoist S.A. (Nivelles, Belgium):
Название | Production of high-carbon directly reduced iron at Tenova Hyl |
Авторы | P. Duarte, J. Becerra |
Информация об авторах | Tenova HYL (Monterrey, Mexico): Duarte P., Commercial Director, e-mail: |
Rolling and Metal Forming | |
Название | Improvement of the technology and automation systems at Compact Strip Production (CSP) plant of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe |
Авторы | S. Burger, R. Leitner, M. Lasslberger, M. F. Thomasky |
Информация об авторах | Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH (Linz, Austria): Burger S., Bach. Sc., Product Manager E&A, e-mail:
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (Duisburg-Bruckhausen, Germany: Thomasky M. F., Mag. Eng., Team Leader of Production Dept. |
Название | RFID technology avoids work roll mix-up in a hot rolling mill |
Авторы | A. Beermann, H. Elfert, S. J. Hesse, U. Linzer, R. Wieck |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (Duisburg, Germany): Beermann A., Mag. Eng., Senior Engineer, Technological Strategy & Innovation, e-mail:
ThyssenKrupp Business Services GmbH (Essen, Germany):
Corts Engineering GmbH & Co. KG (Remscheid, Germany):
Solcon Systemtechnik GmbH (Lübeck, Germany): |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | Development of energy saving program of integrated iron and steel works on the basis of information-analytical system “OptiMet” |
Авторы | I. A. Sultanguzin, P. A. Shomov |
Информация об авторах | National Research University “MPEI” (Moscow, Russia): Sultanguzin I. A., Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair of Industrial Thermal Energy Systems, Institute of Problems of Power Engineering Efficiency, e-mail:
Scientific and Technical Center “Industrial Power Engineering” (Ivanovo, Russia): |
Название | Simulation modeling of interaction of dispersed particles in the jet-emulsion unit and gravitational separation |
Авторы | V. P. Tsymbal, V. V. Pavlov, P. A. Sechenov, A. A. Olennikov |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): Tsymbal V. P., Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail:
Regionstroy JSC (Moscow, Russia): |
Metallurgy and Automotive Industry | |
Название | Opportunities of mass decreasing in automotive industry |
Авторы | H.-W. Raedt, F. Wilke, Ch.-S. Ernst |
Информация об авторах | Hirschvogel Automotive Group (Denklingen, Germany): Raedt H.-W., Dr. Eng.
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke (Siegen, Germany):
fka (Aachen, Germany):
Economics and Finances | |
Название | Dynamic redistribution of steel finished products in Europe |
Авторы | M. Neuer, A. Ebel, A. Wolff, F. Marchiori, M. Roβiger, N. Matskanis, G. Mathis |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Industrial Researches VDEh (Düsseldorf, Germany): Neuer M., Dr., Project Leader, e-mail:
Centro Svilupo materiali S.p.A. (Rome, Italy):
Siemens AG (Erlangen, Germany):
Centre D’Escellence en Technologies de L’Information et de la Communication (Cetic) (Charleroi, Belgium):
ArcelorMittal Maizières Research SA (Saint Denis, France): |
Название | Iron and steel industry between policy and “mainstream” |
Автор | W. Eder |
Информация об авторе | voestalpine AG (Linz, Austria): Eder W., Dr., Chairman |
Название | Uncertainty on the steel scrap market |
Автор | A. Riegert |
Информация об авторе | Munich, Germany: Riegert A., Freelance Reviewer, e-mail: |