Chernye Metally

The No. 1 (2016) issue of "Chernye metally" journal is opened by presenting of the new chief editor of this edition – Valeriy Kolokoltsev, the rector of Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
This issue also contains expanded versions of its conventional sections “Iron and steel news of the world”, “News of metallurgical companies” and “Steel as material”.
The scientific-technical section is started by publication about study of the effect of piercing plugs manufacturing technology on structural features of superficial and internal oxide layers by M. Chubykov, D. Rutskiy, N. Zyuban and D. Uskov. It was established that forged plug has more favourable marostructure compared with cast one, but it is characterized by non-metallic inclusions, what decreases plugs quality.
B. Akselrod and V. Chumakov have analyzed in their article innovative approach to the new technological developments on the example of “OMZ – Foundry production” company. The work observes the new approach to internal innovatization in order to intensify this process using TRIZ (Theory of solcing engineering tasks) production methodology.
H. J. Kerkhoff, the President of “Steel” economical union, investigated current state and development prospects of the Eoropean steel market, taking into account increase of steel export from China in 2015 and nationalization of Ilva company (Italy). The author emphasized anxiety og the German metallurgy (first of all) about the principles of the European ecological policy, connected with more strict routes of emissions trade.
We also recommend to read the interview of K. Bartels, one of the VDMA leaders, about ther features of the market of metallurgical equipment.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Iron and Steel News of the World |
News of Metallurgical Companies | |
Название | Power efficient steel production in electric arc furnaces |
Название | Voestalpine invests in the new continuous caster in Linz |
Название | ArcelorMittal: rolling of extra wide sheet piles |
Название | Georgsmarienhütte has got award for excellent personnel training |
Название | Infrared sensors with expanded temperature measuring range |
Название | VGA thermal scope with additional optical facilities |
Название | Lowering of carbon dioxide emissions at the metallurgical plant using sea weeds |
Название | Intelligent filters care about better safety |
Development of Metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | Study of the effect of piercing plugs manufacturing technology on structural features of superficial and internal oxide layers |
Авторы | M. Yu. Chubukov, D. V. Rutskiy, N. A. Zyuban, D. P. Uskov |
Информация об авторах | Volgograd State Technical University (Volgograd, Russia): M. Yu. Chubukov, Post-graduate, the Chair “Technology of Materials”,
Volzskiy Pipe Plant (Volzhskiy, Russia): |
Название | Innovative approach to the new technological developments |
Авторы | B. M. Akselrod, V. A. Chumakov |
Информация об авторах | “Analytical Consulting” (St. Petersburg, Russia): B. M. Akselrod, Ph.D., Master in TRIZ, Questel Сonsultant, e-mail:
V. A. Chumakov, Head of Engineering and Technological Development Dept. |
Steel as material | |
Название | Special steel for the mega-museum in Paris |
Название | Special steel as a reliable material for the snow collecting system |
Название | Quality steel on Montblanc |
Название | Ultrasonic non-destructing testing in air: contact-free material diagnostic method without surface contamination |
Авторы | Th. Washkies, R. Licht, B. Valeske |
Информация об авторах | Fraunhofer Institute of Non-Destructing Testing Methods – IZFP (Saarbrücken, Germany): Th. Washkies, Dr. Eng., Head of the Project, e-mail: R. Licht, Mag. Eng., Development of sensors for ultrasonic methods |
Название | Crane building industry uses high-strength construction steels with fine m icrostructure |
Авторы | M. Kirschbaum, U. Hamme |
Информация об авторах | Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH (Ehingen, Germany): M. Kirschbaum, Mag. Eng., Welding Technique, Construction and Development, e-mail: |
Название | New steel HSX Z10 uniting strength and ductility |
Автор | G. Olschewski |
Информация об авторе | Steeltec AG (Emmenbrücke, Switzerland): G. Olschewski, Head of Quality Management and Development Dept., e-mail: |
Название | Materials of the future |
Название | The most stable products of high-strength steels made by SSAB |
Название | Choice of proper materials for building equipment |
Название | New developments in the field of lightweight materials for massive automobiles |
Название | High-strength cold-rolled steels for lightweight automotive constructions |
Название | Coating of sheet steel for automotive applications |
Название | New steel for lightweight chassis |
Название | Delivery chain for products made of special steels |
Название | Resource-saving manufacture of large roll bearings |
Название | Outokumpu special steel for facing World Trade Center in New York |
Economics and finances | |
Название | The German and European steel market: results of 2015 |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Информация об авторе | Steel Institute VDEh (Düsseldorf, Germany): H. J. Kerkhoff, President and Chairman, e-mail: |
Название | Tight markets presents new tasks for technology suppliers |
Источник | VDMA (Frankfurt/Main, Germany) |
Название | The nearest prospects of the ferrous metallurgy |
Автор | V. Liebke |
Информация об авторе | Rhein-Westfalen Technical University - RWTH (Aachen, Germany): V. Liebke, Mag. Sc., Chair of Operative Management, e-mail: |